[Farmall] obsolete parts

Ivan ivancou at atlanticbb.net
Sat Sep 9 16:09:56 PDT 2017

John ,   it is a spline coupler that goes between the wheel gear boxes 
,then each side is driven by a hydraulic motors.   5/8 bore x 2 " long  
12 teeth . odd size . You're right , not that hard to machine with right 
tools.    Our shops around here are more steel fabrication with 
brake,shear, cnc plasma burner maybe a cnc mill . I tell them where I 
got my schooling with Navy experience  and job offers become the subject 
.  A edm would make it easy along with a cnc mill to cut the electrode . 
The coupler body could be made from a piece of dom tubeing .   Could be 
done on a lathe with a simple indexing jig and single tool bit . Slow 
but doable . Edm would be slick , and I have a schematic for a homeade 
one . My lathe is a well used south bend @ 1924 or so . Mill is one of 
those chinese mill drills  as is my rotary table . I could probably make 
a crude rendition of one . My first thought was to get a local shop to 
make me a broach on a cnc mill and harden it (drill rod) then broach it 
on a press . Probably wouldnt work too well unless I could get someone 
with a tool grinder or surface grinder and index head to sharpen it .
  Where I went to school they had one and if my old teacher was still 
there I know he would get a senior to do it as a shop project . Back 
then the shop was all manual tools but well equiped .   I could try 
calling and talking to his replacement to see if he would have someone 
that could do it . But schools around here are near impossable to get 
into unless you get on the approved list . I do have the clearances .  Ivan

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