[AT] Ralph, door please!!!

joehardy at epix.net joehardy at epix.net
Fri Jan 6 16:44:34 PST 2017

Ralph, Here in NE PA, just a little north of us, is where the rich gas fields were discovered just a few years ago. One  gas pipeline skirts our farm and ties into a very large pipeline that feeds either the East coast or to the Southern states depending on the need. I'm happy to see the farmers, where the wells are on, are reaping some of the benefits of the gas.  However,upon reviewing their pay stubs, money is being subtracted from their gross earnings for such items as transportation charges, environmental costs etc which were never spelled out on the original contracts. Now the lawyers are involved on behalf of the farmers so it is becoming a real mess.  Otherwise, I heard a few stories such as: you can only replace so many barn roofs; one farmer bought a new JD for each piece of equipment that he owned and had it permanently attached  so he wouldn't have to unhook & hook up when changing equipment!  Our farm is just South of the gas fields so we'll just keep farming with our Oliver 77 row crop and our early 80's equipment.  Happy new year to everyone.  Joe Hardisky  Ryman Farm, Dallas, PA 

    On Thursday, January 5, 2017 11:57 PM, Ralph Goff <alfg at sasktel.net> wrote:

 On 1/5/2017 10:21 PM, Mike M wrote:
> Ralph,
> What do you heat with in that type of cold? Fuel Oil, Propane, wood?
> Here in Michigan it's a balmy 12 deg F, and I heat with wood, and
> natural gas. The thermostat stays at 68 and if the woodstove falls
> behind the furnace does the heavy lifting until the woodstove is up to
> high heat.
All natural gas here now. I kind of miss the old wood  burning stove I 
used to have in the
room I spend most of my time but the little gas wall unit will keep the 
room up at 70 degrees
with no trouble.  The big furnace in the basement I will sometimes shut 
off at night time
but when its this cold I'll just set the thermostat down low.

Ralph in Sask.

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