[AT] Farm flooding update California - new info
rotigel at me.com
Wed Feb 8 09:43:10 PST 2017
That is pretty much what happened with automobiles when the exhaust testing started.
> On Feb 8, 2017, at 12:31 PM, Ralph Goff <alfg at sasktel.net> wrote:
> On 2/8/2017 5:27 AM, macowboy at comcast.net wrote:
>> Cecil;
>> This has been my biggest fear. Someday the government will decree that since no emission controls exist on tractors manufactured prior to a specified date, they can no longer be run and have to be turned over. Don't think that won't happen, look what New York State and California did with their guns laws. Australia did the same with a massive confiscation. You always have to vigilant and don't give a inch.
>> Jim Thomson
>> Rehoboth, MA
>> macowboy at comcast.net
> My guess is that won't happen in our lifetimes. I'd think old machinery
> and vehicles might be "grandfathered" and
> not subject to the same rules and regulations as newer do.
> Ralph in Sask.
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