[AT] Stationary engine cylinder oilers

Doug Tallman dtallman at accnorwalk.com
Mon Aug 14 14:00:47 PDT 2017

Henry, the gasket is just cork. Get some of the cork gasket material and 
cut them out. DougT

On 8/12/2017 9:03 PM, Henry Miller wrote:
> I finally took it apart today. Good
> Thing, there was a quarter inch of junk in the bottom blocking the holes
> so no oil could get through. Of course I didn't have a replacement
> gasket so the bowl leaks oil out fast, but I can tell something is
> getting down, and I think it is reaching the cylinder. It seems to be
> dripping way too fast, but since most of the oil is leaking onto the
> engine I don't care. Once I get a gasket (and recommendations?) I'll
> worry about it.
> First order of business today was the cooling system. I don't know how
> it was intended to be filled, but I removed the top pipe and put a hose
> into the engine. The drain was opened, but nothing came out. I spent an
> hour trying various things to get the junk out. When I finally got a
> clear steam of water onto the ground I filled the engine until water
> came out the top of the radiator. Turns out there is an overflow on the
> radiator (probably to prevent pressure explosions when things get hot).
> I put a bottle of cooling system cleaner in as well.
> Once the above was taken care of a little gas and crank it over. I made
> the mistake of using the crank, and not pulling it off when the engine
> fired... I'm glad I can reach the kill switch from the other side,
> seeing the crank spinning was a little scary. Next try and drove it
> around the house twice. The tractor was obviously designed for kids, I
> can drive it but it is cramped.
> Video here. https://youtu.be/FZ9kXL9Bzws
> Soon after the video I decided it was too loud so I put a muffler that I
> had laying around on. Much better though still loud.
> Then my son came outside so I let him drive. A 4 year old is a little
> too small, but in first gear and low throttle it is hard that slow... I
> needed to let that cleaner circulate so I was happy to let him drive for
> probably an hour. I didn't let him out of the front yard as that is the
> only level part of the yard. He was happy to drive his sister's tractor
> (apparently the John deere is his, and this is his little sister's)
> I took the glass fuel bowl off the pearl and cleaned a quarter inch of
> junk out of that. No fuel comes out when I turn the gas on so I suppose
> I'll  have to clean that tank.
> I drained the fuel tank on the John deere. Varnish. Then I felt inside
> the drain hole and there is a lot of junk so pulling that tank is also
> on my todo list.
> With one running tractor I'm very happy with today though.

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