[AT] 1st tractor/pressure washer

Cecil Bearden crbearden at copper.net
Thu Sep 22 18:43:05 PDT 2016

I have wanted to convert several small engines to propane, the expense 
was the main reason it was not done.  With the crappy ethanol gas we 
get, Propane would be the reliable fuel.    I have gone to diesel in so 
many of my power units just because of he bad gas.  Please keep us 
informed on the progress and the source of parts to convert.    I 
understand the back problem, I broke mine when I was 17 and did not know 
it for nearly 8 years.   Picking up my Dad after his bad knee surgery 
did my back in.   The neurosurgeons tell me that I am not a candidate 
for surgery.   I have pretty well got the pain under control with drugs 
and natural anti inflamatories.  Turmeric works very well after a few 
days, and does not upset my stomach.   I got a pair of suspenders made 
from nylon strapping, and after about 2 months my back pain was less. 
The loss of feeling in my feet is progressing, but at least I can still 
play with my old  toys....

Cecil inOKla

On 9/22/2016 9:35 AM, DDSS, Inc. wrote:
> I have not worked on an old tractor for several years.  Back surgery in '09
> pretty much ended that. I really miss the smell of stale gas and 50 year old
> grease.  For a short time I looked into David Bradley, the walk behind
> tractor. It just wasn't the same, so I sold the 2 that I had and gave up on
> any sort of restorations.  I did keep my very first restoration, a '52 JD
> 60, see links below.  I started this one in March of 1996 and finished it
> September of 1998.  I learned how to do body work, weld, paint and use a
> cutting torch during this project.  Before this, I had never even changed
> the oil in my cars.  I bought the owner's manual, service manual and parts
> manual and just started reading and learning.  The folks at the local JD
> dealership were great.
> https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPcvYDYnwQ83qRBPVBg-Vh8nwAtyPZNiOw7l0ni
> https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPmIJ1VAN0XGQEJBkZA0pj1P41VMs_S4ZvcItUX
> https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipOF5l_SgUyrvOOiNvpQhFMJtlKYaKsh_ASCzds4
> Part of the restoration process was cleaning parts.  Lots of parts.   I
> bought a pressure washer from the local Sears store 16 years ago and it was
> a great washer.  I recently replaced the head gasket hoping that would
> restore some of the lost compression.  Sadly, it did not and I was "forced"
> to go buy a new one (yeah, my wife didn't buy the forced part either).
> My wish list was...
> electric start (or an engine that could have one added)
> an engine that could be converted to LP
> 4000psi or greater
> I did find some that I could have converted to LP but never did find one
> that would support an electric starter.  I spent the better part of a week
> searching and here is what will be delivered Thursday :)
> https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00Q5BZIIW/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?i
> e=UTF8&psc=1
> Once it arrives, I will begin the process of converting it to propane.
> D. Day
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