[AT] Battery Charger recommendations
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Mon Apr 25 11:45:38 PDT 2016
I fully agree about the LED bulbs as well as the compact fluorescent.
I don't particularly like either but the LED's are light years (pun
ahead of the fluorescent. I thought the whole idea of pushing these
alternatives to incandescent bulbs was to "save the planet" by saving some
energy. The incandescent bulbs were outlawed. 100 watt went first and then
75 and then 60 or so I was told. GE's plants in Goldsboro, NC (near me) and
Winchester, VA were shut down and hundreds of American workers lost their
jobs all in the name of switching to more efficient and "planet friendly"
Jump forward a few months. Last week I was in the local corner store. My
was in there inquiring about getting some incandescent bulbs. I chuckled
and said good
luck with that. The store owner spoke up and said, "no, I think I have
some. He went on
to say he'd been able to get them. We walked back to the shelf where they
are kept and
LO and BEHOLD there were several boxes of 100 watt incandescent bulbs MARKED
Yet another sham pulled on American working people. I guess they don't
contribute to so called
"global warming" if they are made in China and brought 13,000 miles by way
of ship rather than
making them 60 miles up the road with American workers.
-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Offiler
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 2:23 PM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] Battery Charger recommendations
I'm having great success with LED light bulbs. I believe mine are Osram,
but, I am pretty familiar with the LED industry and Cree has an excellent
reputation. What kind of fixture are you using them in? LED's don't
produce all that much heat (say, in relation to an incandescent bulb) but,
on the other hand they do not tolerate heat. Typically they have
signficant heat-sinks built in to control heat, but restrictive light
fixtures could play havoc.
On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 11:57 AM, Ron Cook <ron at lakeport-1.com> wrote:
> Charlie,
> I have heard positive response similar to yours on those engines.
> Last August I bought 6 CREE LED light bulbs at Home Depot. They are
> maybe supposed to last 20 years, but only if you do not use them. They
> conveniently left off that disclaimer. Last night while working on a 3
> horse John Deere E engine, the third one went out. More junk!
> Ron Cook, Salix, IA
> On 4/25/2016 10:16 AM, charlie hill wrote:
> > I don't know about their electrics although I think I have a cheap drill
> > motor or two
> > and maybe a couple of side grinders from their that I bought to use on a
> job
> > site,
> > however, the 6.5 HP, honda knockoff, horizontal shaft engine that I
> bought
> > from them
> > to put on my garden tiller is flawless after three seasons and at the
> sale
> > price I paid,
> > (about $80.00 out the door) it was less than half of the price of the
> > gas
> > tank I needed
> > to repair the 20 year old 5 hp B&S that came on the tiller.
> >
> > Charlie
> >
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