[AT] Flail mowers

David Bruce davidbruce at yadtel.net
Mon May 18 05:44:52 PDT 2015

In this part of NC you usually see a tractor equipped with a flail mower 
and a underbelly mounted sickle mower. Rarely a rotary cutter these 
days. Some are contractors but I think local DOT employees mow the road 
banks of the back roads.


On 5/18/2015 7:36 AM, Steve W. wrote:
> jtchall at nc.rr.com wrote:
>> I asked dad about them today and he said his 100 IH balanced head mower (I
>> think that is the model) came with a couple on it next to the pitman arm.
>> They didn't work well and were replaced very quickly.
>> Regarding flail mowers, don't recall anyone around here having one. When the
>> NC DOT hired contractors to start mowing the highways back in the 80's, the
>> contractors around here all ran flail mowers instead of bushogs and belly
>> mount sickle mowers like the state was running. I believe this was largely
>> in part due to the amount of stuff thrown by bushogs that hit cars.
>> How does a flail mower work shredding crop residue? I've often wondered how
>> one would do in corn stalks.
>> John
> NY runs flail and bush hog style mowers. Around me they use mainly the
> flail units. The crews like them because they are faster to mow with and
>    easier to maneuver. They do an OK job on normal grass, not so good on
> fibrous weeds or saplings.
> The main reason they switched from sickle bars was a different one. Less
> "ability" needed by the operator. Sickle bars need some skill to operate
> as you need to watch them and alter the speed to match the cutting
> action. Plus you really watch for junk with a sickle so you don't break
> sections or guards. With a flair or hog they just get in the seat and
> go. About the only time I see them stop is if they snag something like
> fencing or landscape fabric in the flail, or it's the lunch H  O  U  R..
> (anyone else ever notice that state trucks go REALLY slow when they are
> heading to the work sight and when they head back to the barn but when
> they are going to lunch the things seem to have nitrous....)

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