[AT] Little Oli

Greg Hass ghass at m3isp.com
Tue Mar 10 15:10:10 PDT 2015

The mention of the Super 88 Diesel brings up another memory. The same 
uncle I mentioned in a previous post bought a Super 88  when he decided 
he needed a little more row crop horsepower than the 77; all mentioned 
tractors were bought used. When he started using it , it was missing a 
lot and lacked hp. Being a diesel, he didn't know a lot about it so took 
it to the dealer. I don't know how long it took to find the problem, but 
what they discovered was that all six rods were bent; the answer being a 
complete overall. The dealer said that the only thing that they could 
think of that would bend the rods that way was that the previous owner 
had really loaded it up with ether (starting fluid) thus causing the 
damage. After the overall, it ran fine and my uncle used it for many 
more years.
              Greg Hass

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