[AT] off topic, Internet takeover by govt ?
Cecil R Bearden
crbearden at copper.net
Sun Feb 1 08:30:04 PST 2015
I am waiting for the time that they tax us on the exhaust output of our
old machinery.... This Tier EPA stuff is really scary. Also we are
the only coountry that has to screw with it....
Cecil in OKla
On 2/1/2015 9:45 AM, Ron Cook wrote:
> My opinion is that Obama is just a front man for whomever hired him to
> take down our country. They used the internet to get him elected
> TWICE. They know the value. Keeping old tractors running will not be
> affordable at all. At the rate we visit on this thing, the taxation
> will break us all.
> Ron Cook
> Salix, IA somewhere in the blowing snow.
> On 2/1/2015 7:25 AM, Dave Rotigel wrote:
>> Obama wants to control the internet and what you can do on it. He has said that for years. It should NOT be a surprise!
>> Dave
>> On Feb 1, 2015, at 8:11 AM, Cecil R Bearden wrote:
>>> I got a petition to be signed from a 24/7 Liberty organization this
>>> morning about the FCC voting Feb 26th on taxing the internet and
>>> regulating it like the phone companies.
>>> Anyone heard anything about this.? It does not surprise me..
>>> Cecil in OKla
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