[AT] off topic, Internet takeover by govt ?

Spencer Yost yostsw at atis.net
Thu Feb 5 14:16:52 PST 2015

Really what I am saying is that both sides just need to take a break and talk about tractors. 

So I am not disagreeing with you Dave - nor agreeing with you.   Just pointing out this age old debate over car safety, air quality, and other common resources won't be settled here.  Especially considering how many great minds and great blood has been squandered over defending or forming political frameworks that were left, right and center of it.

And it hasn't been settled yet.

So before AT list blood gets spilt next, back to tractors. (-:


> On Feb 5, 2015, at 16:07, David Rotigel <rotigel at me.com> wrote:
> I would think that MOST on the LIST would disagree with you, Spencer and believe that individual freedom trumps (and forwards) the "common good" 99% or the time. Of course, you had a rather famous person agreeing with your belief from 1818 to 1883!
>    Dave
>> On Feb 5, 2015, at 3:27 PM, Spencer Yost <yostsw at atis.net> wrote:
>> Tragedy of the Commons.   Pure and simple.  Neither side is right or wrong when issues related to "the commons" are discussed.
>> I'll leave it there and take this back to our regularly scheduled programming on antique tractors.
>> PS:   The recent over measles is an excellent case study for Tragedy of the Commons as well.
>> Spencer
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