[AT] Fwd: pull type corn shellers?
jtchall at nc.rr.com
jtchall at nc.rr.com
Tue Dec 8 18:41:54 PST 2015
There are still lots of pickers around here still, though until the deer
feeding craze began they sat in a fence-row or under a shed for the last 40
years. My Dearborn is the fanciest one I have ever seen. It has a set of
husking rollers that help pull off the shuck. The corn is picked, drops into
a hopper at the back where a beater knocks it onto a short conveyor that
drops it on a set of 4 rubber covered rollers with a floating conveyor that
holds the corn down on the rollers and feeds it to the front of the machine.
There it lands on a flapper that flips it onto the wagon elevator. If you
wait too late to pick, it does plenty of shelling for you! Dad says it is
actually one of the better pickers he has been around. Fun to run, until its
time to shovel out the wagon!
John Hall
-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Bealke
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2015 1:13 AM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: [AT] Fwd: pull type corn shellers?
Seem to remember that by the 60’s combines had almost displaced mounted or
pulled pickers, at least in total bushels picked. Also that the mounted and
pulled ones ate too many arms and people. Don’t remember pulled pickers
with shellers in my area - just the pulled pickers. Do recall (dimly) that
Deere - at least in the time of the 30 series tractors (late 50’s) - made a
mounted two-row picker-sheller. The sheller portion was kind of low and wide
and mounted behind the tractor. Bet those implements were some fun to
install and take off. Suspect most of this corn left the wagon into auger
elevators instead of shovels. Sure hope so, as we used to shovel ear corn
(earlier plucked by a mounted picker on a Farmall Super M - alas, not ours)
from a ‘53 235-BU GMC truck into a higher door on a grain bin, and that this
method was neither fast nor restful. Never saw the Deere mounted-picker
sheller in a field near us or an ad for them mounted anything smaller than a
730, so suspect they did not sell big numbers of them.
Chuck Bealke
Dallas TX
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