[AT] Putting the tractor to use

R Fink Sr rfinksr at verizon.net
Mon Jun 16 03:33:34 PDT 2014

   Ralph that is like under ground fruit cellars don,t find them any more.
   I have wanted one as long as i can remember and may get one where we
   live now. It is on a gental hill just right to bury a shipping
   will see
   R Fink

   On 06/15/14, Ralph Goff<alfg at sasktel.net> wrote:

   On 6/15/2014 7:25 PM, Mike wrote:
   > If I'm not mistaken they used to pack the ice in sawdust to keep it
   > melting, maybe that's why it's lower. I'm not old enough to remember
   > of that, but some of the guys might be.
   > Mike M
   Yes, sawdust or straw was used to insulate the snow/ice that was put in
   the ice house in winter. We used to have a nice little log ice house
   here when I was a kid .. Long gone now but I have dreams of building a
   replica of it some day..
   Ralph in Sask.
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