[AT] Fw: Black oil after 8hrs in new engine
Dick Day
dickday0 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 13 04:45:04 PDT 2014
I did hear back from Briggs & Stratton, all they said was that if I
thought the black oil was something to be concerned about, take it to
an authorized service center. They said a lot of words but really
didn't say much :)
I'll fill it back up and keep checking it. I'll do another oil change
after another 8 hours and see what it looks like.
Thanks to all for the excellent advice.
On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 7:33 PM, David Rotigel <rotigel at me.com> wrote:
> Do you guys (i.e. you and Mike) think that this has possibly all been Bush's fault?
> Dave
> PS, If so, I know someone who agrees with you!
> On Aug 10, 2014, at 7:45 PM, DDSS <ddss at telebeep.com> wrote:
>> Just to 'add' to the mystery... This is the second unit they shipped me. The
>> first got destroyed in transit. I have always believed in buying locally
>> whenever possible. After this fiasco, I'll buy something different locally
>> rather than getting exactly what I want on-line.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Mike
>> Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2014 6:11 PM
>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
>> Subject: Re: [AT] Fw: Black oil after 8hrs in new engine
>> Dave, you just ruined our fun. We were going to start some conspiracy
>> theories on why Briggs and Stratton has is out for Dicks new mower.
>> Mike M
>> On 8/10/2014 4:45 PM, David Rotigel wrote:
>>> While I have ENJOYED all the "ideas" everyone has offered (if it were
>>> mine) I would put new oil and filter on the unit and mow the grass. It's
>>> under guarantee, is it not?
>>> Dave
>>> On Aug 10, 2014, at 4:21 PM, DDSS <ddss at telebeep.com> wrote:
>>>> Not being an expert on oil, I am guessing it feels about the same. It was
>>>> not sludge, just jet black oil. I was going to hold onto it in case
>>>> anyone
>>>> wanted to see/test it. Unfortunately, it got dumped in with other oil
>>>> and
>>>> was carted off to a friend's place that uses it for heating. I'm sure
>>>> there
>>>> is still plenty in the engine. So right now it sits with little to no
>>>> oil
>>>> in it. The key is removed :)
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Mike
>>>> Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2014 2:44 PM
>>>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
>>>> Subject: Re: [AT] Fw: Black oil after 8hrs in new engine
>>>> Dick, was the oil really thin (diluted) or was it normal other than the
>>>> color?
>>>> Mike M
>>>> On 8/10/2014 2:54 PM, DDSS wrote:
>>>>> All I have done so far is drain the oil and replace the oil filter.
>>>>> When
>>>>> I
>>>>> saw how black the oil was, I stopped and am waiting for some direction
>>>>> from
>>>>> B&S.
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Ken Knierim
>>>>> Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2014 1:18 PM
>>>>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
>>>>> Subject: Re: [AT] Fw: Black oil after 8hrs in new engine
>>>>> Molybdenum disulfide has or can have a very black appearance; it used to
>>>>> be
>>>>> (maybe still is) recommended for use on new (non-roller) camshafts.
>>>>> Perhaps the break-in oil for this engine had some in it? I agree with
>>>>> Steve
>>>>> O... very hard to tell by the color. There may be extenuating
>>>>> circumstances.
>>>>> B&S is still on the hook for warranty, right? Follow the book...
>>>>> Just my $0.02
>>>>> Ken in AZ
>>>>> On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 8:34 AM, DDSS <ddss at telebeep.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks guys. Just as soon as I hear back from Briggs, I'll post it
>>>>>> here.
>>>>>> Dick
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Spencer Yost
>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2014 9:30 AM
>>>>>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [AT] Fw: Black oil after 8hrs in new engine
>>>>>> I must admit I've never had this problem with the gasoline engines I
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> rebuilt or bought. My cub cadet kohler engine has 285 hours and
>>>>>> still
>>>>>> has
>>>>>> clean oil when I change it. But in your case there could have been an
>>>>>> additive or something added at the factory discoloring the oil.
>>>>>> Like Steve, I would change the oil and not worry about it. If I
>>>>>> continue
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> see very dark oil without at least some improvement, I would probably
>>>>>> call
>>>>>> the factory. Not sure they would say anything helpful, but like you
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> is so out of my normal experience I would want to bounce it off
>>>>>> someone.
>>>>>> Now diesel - that's a different matter.
>>>>>> Spencer
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> On Aug 10, 2014, at 8:06, Steve Offiler <soffiler at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> The blackest oil I have ever seen came from the hydro units on my
>>>>>>> Gravely
>>>>>>> ZT at the scheduled 125 hr service. It was just as black as used oil
>>>>>>> out
>>>>>>> of a diesel. This surprised the heck out of me - hydro units; there's
>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>> combustion blow-by to make it dirty!
>>>>>>> What's my point? You cannot tell anything definitive from oil color.
>>>>>>> Period. I am as certain as I can be from this distance that
>>>>>>> everything
>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> perfectly fine with the Briggs. The first sign of something bad in
>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>> engine is either bad noise or smoke, not oil color.
>>>>>>> SO
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>> On Aug 10, 2014, at 5:42 AM, "DDSS" <ddss at telebeep.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: DDSS
>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2014 9:27 PM
>>>>>>>> To: rlgoss at twc.com
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [AT] Black oil after 8hrs in new engine
>>>>>>>> Husqvarna r220t mower with an Endurance (Intek) 20 horse. Husqvarna
>>>>>>>> re-badges the Intek engine as "Endurance". Checked with Briggs and
>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> no difference between this and an Intek. The Briggs manual I
>>>>>>>> received
>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>> it is for Intek.
>>>>>>>> It was shipped to me in sealed factory wooden crates. The oil was in
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> engine when I received it. It now has 8.1 hours. Drained the oil and
>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>> black. I followed the steps on the prep sheet. Next oil change is
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>> 25
>>>>>>>> hours.
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: rlgoss at twc.com
>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2014 5:08 PM
>>>>>>>> To: DDSS
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [AT] Black oil after 8hrs in new engine
>>>>>>>> New Briggs engine on what? A mower? Did it come from a big box
>>>>>>>> store?
>>>>>>>> Oil
>>>>>>>> is not supplied with a crated mower, and whoever serviced it prior to
>>>>>>>> delivery may have pulled whatever was handy off the shelf. Having
>>>>>>>> once
>>>>>>>> done
>>>>>>>> warranty service for Briggs through a big box store, I treat their
>>>>>>>> make-ready service with suspicion.
>>>>>>>> I betcha they didn't retorque the drive wheels or check the air
>>>>>>>> pressure
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> the tires, either.
>>>>>>>> That's what i mean by there being more to the story. BUT, having a
>>>>>>>> different oil in it for eight hours is not going to make any
>>>>>>>> difference.
>>>>>>>> When's the next oil change called for? 50 hours? Some manufacturers
>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> hour-meter automatically start blinking when it hits that reading,
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> automatically stop blinking after a couple of running hours.
>>>>>>>> Larry
>>>>>>>> ---- DDSS <ddss at telebeep.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> "More to the story"? The V-twin engine has an oil filter, the
>>>>>>>>> manual
>>>>>>>>> calls
>>>>>>>>> for straight 30 weight, the oil that I drained from there is black.
>>>>>>>>> Not sure what else I can add.
>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>> From: rlgoss at twc.com
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2014 4:33 PM
>>>>>>>>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
>>>>>>>>> Cc: DDSS
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [AT] Black oil after 8hrs in new engine
>>>>>>>>> And you waid it has an oil filter? On modern engines, that typically
>>>>>>>>> means
>>>>>>>>> you can use multi-viscosity oil rather than single weight because
>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> pressurized system. I suspect there is more to this story.
>>>>>>>>> Larry
>>>>>>>>> ---- DDSS <ddss at telebeep.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Really? I hope that's what it is. I have yet to put new oil in,
>>>>>>>>>> It
>>>>>>>>>> calls
>>>>>>>>> for straight 30-weight, nothing special. If it had synthetic, am I
>>>>>>>>> supposed
>>>>>>>>> to use just synthetic?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>> From: rlgoss at twc.com
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2014 2:52 PM
>>>>>>>>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
>>>>>>>>> Cc: DDSS
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [AT] Black oil after 8hrs in new engine
>>>>>>>>> Are you sure it wasn't synthetic? Some of that starts out that
>>>>>>>>> color.
>>>>>>>>> Larry
>>>>>>>>> ---- DDSS <ddss at telebeep.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I just did the first oil change on a new Briggs 20hp engine. The
>>>>>>>>>> oil
>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>> blacker than any oil I have ever seen. I checked the air filter and
>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>> than some dust, it looked fine. Although they don’t call for an oil
>>>>>>>>> filter
>>>>>>>>> change, I replaced it as well.
>>>>>>>>> Has anyone ever seen this before?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> Dick
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