[AT] Antique Tractor & Hit & Miss Engines Sale
Spencer Yost
yostsw at atis.net
Thu Oct 17 16:47:33 PDT 2013
Thanks Steve for unsubscribing her. It was her request.
As to her post; I think her post was borderline. Her offense was the fact she was not clear she was posting an auction she had more than a passing financial involvement in. It came off a little like a grief stricken daughter but then become full bore promotion and an uninformed categorization of collector vs non-collector. She also emailed me to directly promote the auction so I have some additional information as to her involvement and motives y'all don't have. She also did not wait for my reply.
Dean's post was on the mark. If I hadn't been slow to react I would have nipped it in the bud in a similar way. As is my normal procedure, I would have nudged her offline to offer an "excuse me" post and I would have posted a follow-up to the list.
As to my policy on such things: Commercial posts of an overt nature have always been frowned on, especially when they masquerade as something else. However, people with direct commercial involvement in the hobby have also been welcome to offer their expert assistance, answer direct questions about their products and services, and have the name of their businesses in their signature.
Hope this helps,
Ps. This message would have been sooner but had a small server slow-down/outage yesterday as I am sure you folks noticed. That was rectified by late afternoon.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 16, 2013, at 19:55, Al Jones <farmallsupera at earthlink.net> wrote:
> I agree David. Don't want spammers running wild, but to tell the truth I have absolutely, positively no problem with an auction post. It was tractor related, and I don't believe the intent was spam. And did I mention it was tractor related? Of course, folks had to get their britches in a bunch about it. Guess we'll go back to hearing the cyber-crickets chirp now!
> Al
> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Bruce <davidbruce at yadtel.net>
>> Sent: Oct 16, 2013 5:21 PM
>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>> Subject: Re: [AT] Antique Tractor & Hit & Miss Engines Sale
> I
>> understand not turning the list into a glorified classified but given
>> the general lack of antique tractor content of late I did not mind the
>> original post one bit. If I minded I have a delete key.
>> David
>> NW NC
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