[AT] Antique Tractor & Hit & Miss Engines Sale
Al Jones
farmallsupera at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 16 16:55:46 PDT 2013
I agree David. Don't want spammers running wild, but to tell the truth I have absolutely, positively no problem with an auction post. It was tractor related, and I don't believe the intent was spam. And did I mention it was tractor related? Of course, folks had to get their britches in a bunch about it. Guess we'll go back to hearing the cyber-crickets chirp now!
-----Original Message-----
>From: David Bruce <davidbruce at yadtel.net>
>Sent: Oct 16, 2013 5:21 PM
>To: Antique tractor email discussion group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>Subject: Re: [AT] Antique Tractor & Hit & Miss Engines Sale
>understand not turning the list into a glorified classified but given
>the general lack of antique tractor content of late I did not mind the
>original post one bit. If I minded I have a delete key.
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