[AT] gas problems--off topic now do to missinformation
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Tue May 7 19:48:26 PDT 2013
Ed, I know I'm wasting my time but I'm going to say it anyway.
It takes more BTU's of fossil fuel to create a gallon of ethanol than the
ethanol produces. Also, recent data from the US Government state
that the US among the largest reserves of oil, gas and coal of any country
on the planet and more than enough to sustain our economy well into the next
century. National Security my ass. Our deal leader just won't let us drill
for what we have here.
You'll get no argument from me about sugar, dairy and beef. In fact the
largest part of
USDA budget by far is Food Stamps. The current administration has turned
the USDA
into a second department of health and human services. A big welfare
program. That does
not change the fact that the biggest lobby pushing ethanol subsidies is the
farm lobby.
I'm not against ethanol. I'm against using natural gas and oil to make
ethanol out of corn
in order to keep the price of corn up. Ethanol can NOT survive in the
market as a fuel without a federal
Find a way to make ethanol from switch grass or wood chips or algae or
whatever and fuel the process
with waste heat from other manufacturing operations and you'll get no
argument from me but as long
as you are burning oil from third world countries to make ethanol with the
net effect of using more fuel
and raising the price of fuel and commodities for everyone I'm against it.
For the record I own a farm
and was raised on the farm and have been directly involved in or dependent
on agriculture for 62 years
and 8 months.
You are right. Some peoples opinions are based on misinformation. those
would be YOURS.
-----Original Message-----
From: Edchainsaw at aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 10:04 PM
To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
Subject: Re: [AT] gas problems--off topic now do to missinformation
we have used ethanol since the beginning as well no problems here.. over
we had problems with the lead addatives they separated in fuel and caked.
maybe that's you guys problems? I know lots of suppliers still add that
as for ethanol beeing just a BIG AG deal NO! its not.. its a US
SECURITY ISSUE! we get how much of our oil from the middle east? and
you know Brazil gets most of its fuel from Ethanol!
I take very much acception to the comments of uneducated people on the
topic of farm profitability and the ag budgets ... especially the
OFF THE GOVERNMENT TROUGH" you people do not even know half.
the Farm partion of the Ag budget costs each person in the USA $1. there
are so many things in the ag budget NOT farm related its horrific.
did you sugar, cotton, and yes Beef and Dairy are all parts of the FARM
some peoples optinions are based on missinformation
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