[AJD] Tractor Show

Beth Dugan BDUGAN at aibonline.org
Mon Jul 1 07:41:48 PDT 2013

Since there hasn't been much chatter on here lately - I will post something!    I am always looking for ideas of things we can add to our show as right now taking care of getting things set up and going for the day takes a lot of time.  If anybody has anything interesting they can recommend to me that would be added value it is most appreciated.   We do also have a car show if you know someone who would rather bring a car.  Also a Golf Tournament, Turtle races for the kids, Kids sanctioned tractor pull, and of course the Homemade Ice Cream by the local churches right before the parade starts! 

Leonardville Hullabaloo Antique Tractor & Machinery Show	
August 10, 2013
Main Street of Leonardville, KS
8 am to 2 pm
Steel and Rubber tires welcome
We have consistently been having over 100 tractors each year. 
We are looking for some type of "working" display or toy display. 
We take the tractors on a drive around town around 10 am - we go and make a stop at Leonardville Nursing home where they bring the local Old Farmer residents out and we get off the tractors for a few minutes and visit. 
Regular Parade is at 2 pm.  

Facebook Page:  Leonardville Hullabaloo Antique Tractor Show

Nearest hotels:  Clay Center, KS or Manhattan, KS

Contact information: 
Beth or Charles R Dugan
Home Phone - 785-293-4992 - Can leave a message
Email:  26inchd at gmail.com

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