[AT] Off Topic Goulds piston pump

David Bruce davidbruce at yadtel.net
Wed Jun 6 10:03:02 PDT 2012

Mine will lift about 50' but your comment is quite valid in general.

Of course a "deep well" is subjective to an extent.  Mine is about 50' 
and I'm sure it is a shallow well.  My mom's (more or less next door) is 
at least 250'.  My cousin's (over the ridge) is at least 500'.  I 
remember they had a real problem finding water for the well.

Mom's setup was at one time with a surface pump but now with a submerged 


On 6/6/2012 12:32 PM, charlie hill wrote:
> Rick,  I don't think any sort of pump will lift more than one atmosphere of
> head which is what ... 32'.... I think.  That's why deep well pumps are
> submerged and push the water up.
> We had a very deep well, something like 200' but I have to believe that
> there was enough hydraulic pressure in the aquifer to cause the water to
> rise up in the well pipe.
> I don't know how else that pump could have worked but it did work well.    I
> was a small child when the
> well was put in so all I know about it is what I remember my dad saying and
> he's been gone for 46 years so I guess I'm not certain about any of it.  I
> am certain that he told me
> it was a deep well.  He said he wanted good water so he had them drill down
> and through the first layer of rock until they hit another vein of water
> below it.  He used to say
> how deep it was but I don't remember the exact number.  I want to say it was
> a bit less than 250'.
> Charlie

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