[AT] Massey Ferguson FE-35
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Wed Sep 21 04:52:19 PDT 2011
Chris here is another way to look at it. The money you have in the tractor
is already spent. If you junk it out you might get 300 to 400 back out of
your original investment at best.
Even if it takes $500 to get the radiator fixed you would at that point have
your initial investment + $500 + $350 (junk value) in a good running
tractor. You know you can always get the
junk value back so actually you can pull that back out. That means from
where you sit right now you can have your FE 35 up and running well for $500
and a chance of getting all of your initial
investment back out of it. In the worst case scenario you can get the $350
in salvage value back out of it and you will have had the use of it for some
period of time for $150 more than you have in
it right now.
If I were you I'd be searching for other alternatives to the $500 radiator
but I wouldn't be trying to junk it out.................... yet.
Charlie Hill
> Chris Bull wrote:
>> I am new to AT and I am looking for advice on my Massey Ferguson
>> FE-35 4 cylinder diesel. The radiator needs extensive repair and I am
>> trying to decide whether to spend the $500 required to fix it. I have
>> been advised to just junk the tractor because these old FE - 35 4
>> cylinder diesels are so difficult to start they are considered
>> worthless. Is this sound advice or does the FE - 35 4 cylinder diesel
>> have some value as a collectors item? It runs well, and has good tin
>> and rubber. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Is there anyone
>> on the AT list who has this model of tractor or is knowledgeable
>> about it? Thanks Chris Bull
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> Here is an FE with the Standard 4 Diesel being started in below zero.
> Doesn't seem that hard to start...
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xid9Pj39fac&feature=related
> The main reasons for hard starting with the Standard are timing chain
> stretch or bad glow plugs. If it has the flamethrower preheater they can
> also be a problem if they get crud built up in them.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJSJEMwxwOE&feature=related
> interesting article about it.
> http://vintagetractorengineer.com/2010/10/enlarging-pre-combustion-chamber-aids-starting-standard-23c-engine/
> --
> Steve W.
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