[AT] Now NC twisters: was Mina problem

Al Jones farmallsupera at earthlink.net
Tue Apr 19 19:03:39 PDT 2011

Indeed, hail is a "nightmare scenario" on tobacco in eastern NC.  It'll shred those big 'ol leaves!

With the storms Saturday, we had no measurable rain.  Beginning to really need a shower on the wheat.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Dean Vinson <dean at vinsonfarm.net>
>Sent: Apr 19, 2011 7:59 PM
>To: 'Antique tractor email discussion group' <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>Subject: Re: [AT] Now NC twisters:  was   Mina problem
>Grant, I'm very sorry to hear of the crop damage you suffered--that must be
>terribly frustrating.
>And, speaking as a more-or-less lifetime resident of the Midwest, an inch of
>hail is serious business wherever it falls!
>Hope your spring sale was productive--and if nothing else, good on you for
>making the best of a tough situation.
>Dean Vinson
>Dayton, Ohio
>-----Original Message-----
>From: at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
>[mailto:at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com] On Behalf Of Grant Brians
>Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 7:25 PM
>To: Antique tractor email discussion group
>Subject: Re: [AT] Now NC twisters: was Mina problem
>On April 7th we had a freak Thunderstorm here in the Santa Clara Valley of
>California. Normally we rarely get thunderstorms and we only get hail once
>in a while. During that day, at two of the ranches I farm about half a mile
>apart (but not at the other two ranches, one of which was less than three
>miles away as the crow flies) we received 5 separate periods of hail. In
>total about an inch of hail fell as part of the total 1.2" of precipitation
>during the 5 hour time period.
>     Now I know what you people in the midwest and Southeast are thinking -
>"that hardly counts as precipitation let alone hail!" But remember this is
>coastal Central California where we "almost never" get hail and certainly
>not in April! So, the problem is that the hail damaged my Spinach, Miners
>Lettuce, Baby Lettuce and various other Baby Greens crops from bruising and
>it also knocked off many of the fruit tree blossoms - all of these being
>major crops for me and in the types of local crops that are grown. So the
>result ended up being a loss well over $10,000 for my farm, all because of
>less than an hour of hail falling during a part of one day from a small
>Thunderstorm. And as noted by others in this thread, these types of storms
>are usually ones that only "touch down" in certain spots deemingly for
>unclear reasons....
>     So there is my "hail tale of woe" and to recover a little bit from it,
>we ran a Farmers Market "Hail Spring Sale" on the weekend to try to recover
>a little from this.....
>         Grant Brians
>         Hollister,California
>AT mailing list

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