[AT] More on the water pump

Steve W. swilliams268 at frontier.com
Thu Nov 18 20:36:19 PST 2010

Jim & Lyn Evans wrote:
> There are a lot of secrets and unintuitive items to working on the new cars
> but they are a piece of cake once you figure it out.  Like unbolting the
> engine mounts on the Chevy V6 front wheel drive cars and rolling the engine
> forward to access the back plugs.  Removing the boxes on pickups is also
> pretty easy if the bolts are not rusted.  8 bolts, 20 minutes, and 3 guys to
> pick it up and you have full access to the fuel pump.   Unfortunately, it
> would take me 2 hours to clean the junk out of the bed on my truck in order
> to even find the bolts. 

NAA you just hook a fork lift to the front bumper and dump out the box!!!

Steve W.

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