[AT] More on the water pump

David Bruce davidbruce at yadtel.net
Thu Nov 18 23:59:58 PST 2010


Thanks for the vote of confidence even if misplaced.

The comment about knowing your limitations is spot on here as well. 
Some things I do very well, some things I either can't, don't have the 
tools needed or don't have the knowledge.  The latter two I can fix but 
time and money enter in.  The real trick is knowing when to let someone 
experienced and with the proper tools do the deed.

For $75 I have the car issue fixed.  It is likely I would only use a 
smoke generator a few times and not enough to justify the expense.  If 
money wasn't a concern I would love to have that toy.


On 11/18/2010 11:19 PM, Steve W. wrote:
> I doubt it. You would have asked for help long before then.

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