[AT] off topic computer died

Indiana Robinson robinson46176 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 18:55:55 PDT 2010

Hi Cecil:
Here is another option...

I am running this laptop on Ubuntu 9.10 in a dual boot setup with
Vista and if I need any of my old documents etc. from my windows files
all I have to do is look at the Windows section of the hard drive and
pull it up. I don't have to boot to windows to do it.
I have always heard that a lot of repair shops use one version or the
other of Linux for file recovery. I don't run Knoppix any more but it
should do what that site says it will very well. You don't actually
install Knoppix on your system you just boot to it from the CD.
You might even be able to find your boot problem with it but my
knowledge of Knoppix nor windows either one does not extend to that
Puppy Linux or Damn Small Linux should also work with an even smaller
footprint but they can be a little cryptic if you are not used to
Linux at all.

Have you hugged your horses today?

Francis Robinson
aka "farmer"
Central Indiana USA
robinson46176 at gmail.com

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