[Farmall] 39 Farmall A: Getting sleeves/pistons out.

John Hall jthall at worldnet.att.net
Tue Mar 2 18:01:30 PST 2010

Al, since you are replacing everything it doesn't really matter how you beat 
and bang on the old ones. If you should try to salvage the stuck ones, a tad 
of common sense goes a long way. Most broken pistons are the result of big 
hammers, no patience and hitting the piston where it is not stuck. When I 
have to drive one out and a couple light taps with a wood block won't do the 
trick, I make an insert to drop in on top of the piston. Remember the only 
part of the piston that is stuck is the skirt. So turn an insert on a lathe 
a little smaller than the bore. The face should be relieved so that a lip 
about an 1/8-1/4" wide  is all that will touch the piston. Now you can beat 
all you want. The force will go to the part of the piston that is actually 
stuck. Just make sure you can get it out through the bottom--you may have to 
pull the crankshaft.

For pulling sleeves I make an insert that will fit the bottom of the sleeve 
and just clear the block. Tap it for a large threaded rod. Drill a hole in a 
heavy piece of flat bar and pillar it up on top of the block.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Al Jones" <farmallsupera at earthlink.net>
To: "Farmall/IHC mailing list" <farmall at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 5:29 PM
Subject: [Farmall] 39 Farmall A: Getting sleeves/pistons out.

> My students are working steady on my '39 A.  It is time to get pistons 
> out.
> #2 is stuck good, I think #1 and #3 might be a little bit.  #4 "looks" 
> like
> it's free.
> My thoughts are to have them disconnect the rods at the crankshaft.  At
> first, I was thinking to disconnect the rods, then try to roll the crank
> enough to allow some free play so they can bang on the tops of the 
> pistons.
> But now I am wondering about just pushing the sleeve and piston--guts,
> feathers, and all--out the top.  I intend to replace sleeves and pistons
> anyway, so I figure if it comes down to it I can heat the sleeves with a
> torch once they're out.
> How much force does it take to get the sleeves out?
> Am I on the right track?  #3 will be a little tough to get to the bearing
> cap, but I think they will be able to reach them all.  I would like to be
> able to get them out before we split the tractor.
> Thanks,
> Al
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