[AT] Craigslist ads (was Re: Some ads from the 4/17 Lancaster Farming

Charlie V 1cdevill at gmail.com
Mon Apr 19 05:41:27 PDT 2010

One of those pictures caught me last Saturday, Mike.  Farmall M hood and
grill.  Picture not taken too close and they looked pretty straight.  The
grill on my 42 M was hammered when I bought it, so I got the directions and
drove the 50 miles.  The seller did tell me that there were two small holes
in the front piece that could be easily repaired and they looked liked a
worn rub through.  When I inspected the item, it is actually a little rust
through so that front rounded area is thin.  With the low price and having
driven 50 miles, I bought them anyway.  The hood is fine except for the
usual sin of having the exhaust hole chopped larger.  I do not think the
seller was unfair or that I was cheated at the low price. With some work I
can probably break even just on the hood.  Would I do it again?  No!  A guy
must be nuts to go buy more jobs when there are already many that do not get

Now I think I have to go to Craig's list and put my solid old '85 F-250 4x4
diesel for sale.  I do not plow my snow with it anymore since I put a plow
on my '95  I just put two new batteries in the Ford, but I have no real use
for it.  It is too good to let sit and rot away so it is time to try to cash
out on it. I hate selling things.  Not only are there a few crazy people out
there, but I always become bonded to anything mechanical.

Charlie V. in WNY

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 7:43 AM, Mike Sloane <mikesloane at verizon.net> wrote:

> I don't mind the poor spelling and bad grammar on Craigslist as much as
> the awful images. I don't understand how people can expect to attract
> buyers to a tractor or implement that is selling for hundreds or
> thousands of dollars with a picture that is just barely identifiable.
> The state of digital photography is such that even a cellphone camera
> can do a credible job, given some light and focus (and minimal
> composition). I don't expect "National Geographic" magazine quality, but
> I like to see what it is that is being sold. During the winter, I often
> see images of tractors and implements almost completely covered in snow
> (especially from Western NY!) - how much effort would it take to use a
> broom to sweep the snow off? I suppose that a poor picture might be an
> attempt to hide serious defects (and that is my assumption and why I
> pass immediately on such offers).
> Mike
> Charlie V wrote:
> > I am pretty much a daily reader of the local Craigs List farm and garden
> > category.  Almost constantly one does not have to look far to see strange
> > spellings and murdered words.  I often wonder if many are just typos or
> if
> > that many people are grammatically challenged.  I strongly suspect that
> some
> > are done deliberately to grab the readers eye to the particular ad.
> > Whatever works.
> >
> > Charlie V in WNY
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