[AT] Tractor race for Portland

Gene Dotson gdotsly at watchtv.net
Mon Aug 3 10:14:06 PDT 2009

    A golf cart is a golf cart. No determination by how many wheels.
    Policy it that any vehicle that has a state license registration 
classification must be registered and insured. Golf carts fill in this 
class, lawn tractors and butt buggies do not. Any vehicle for handicapp 
persons must be registered and display a handicap sticker. These may operate 
in the craft vendor area, but only when the qualifying person is aboard. 
There is a fee to register golf carts, ask me later on this. No gator type 
vehicles are allowed on the show grounds. Lawn tractors and butt buggies are 
considered exhibit vehicles and may be registered and operated as such, thus 
qualifying under club membership insurance. To operate on the show grounds 
you will need to display a permit to enter on the show grounds, which is 
also the gate pass.

    These rules apply only to the show grounds. The campground has no 
restriction or registration for riding vehicles and they may be operated 
there and also driven into town if they meet the city requirements. Display 
a SMV emblem and you will never be bothered on side streets during daylight, 
but DO NOT operate on Meridian Street (U.S. 27). Lights are required for 
night operation anywhere.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Indiana Robinson" <robinson46176 at gmail.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 11:35 AM
Subject: [AT] Tractor race for Portland

>I think we should have a big race at Portland. A bunch of pre-1950
> Farmall's against a bunch of pre-1950 John Deere's. They can be any
> weight. The first rule though is that all participants will have to
> remove two spark plug wires...
> -
> OK, now that I got your attention, does anyone know what the
> on-grounds butt-buggy policy is likely to be? I was quite surprised
> last year when they tried kind of throwing the door open. Has anyone
> heard of any changes in handicap golf cart use policy?
> Diana has been having some knee problems. She got the papers from her
> doctor and went to the DMV and got the thingys to hang from the inside
> mirrors of the van and trucks. She doesn't use the hangers unless she
> just has to but when problems flare up she can't be on her feet much.
> Day long events can be hard on her. Are they going to object to our
> older golf cart being a three wheeler instead of 4? I guess I could
> always find a place to bolt another wheel on to it,  :-)
> -- 
> Have you hugged your horses today?
> Francis Robinson
> aka "farmer"
> Central Indiana USA
> robinson46176 at gmail.com
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