[Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 9/6 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Sep 6 14:53:25 PDT 2008
Heavy rain here, due to a tropical storm working its way up the East
Coast. Suddenly, everything has gone from brown to green in just a few
hours - the first decent rain we have had in several weeks.
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 9/6/2008. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
Wide front ends for Farmall 560, one IH, one Schwartz $300. for pair.
Bucks Co. 610-346-7334.
Vac Case tractor plow cultivator, good rubber, runs well, built early
50s. Also variety of lumber. York Co. 717-755-5639.
Tractors for restoring Oliver 88; Massey Harris 101 Jr. with loader. AC,
WC, WD, all ran good when parked. $1,400/ea. Hunt. Co., 814-627-5149.
Rear wheel weights for Massey Harris early Case and Farmall A, new paint
$150/per pair. Bucks Co., 215-804-1061.
Massey Ferguson 165 with loader, 4500 hours, 14.9-24 tires, 85% tread,
$3,700, Berks Co., 610-683-3448.
Loader fits 2N, 9N, 8N Ford. Col., VA, 540-399-1405.
John Deere collectors! Green Magazines - 2006, 12 issues, very good $36.
Plus shipping. Offers considered. Warren Co., 518-696-9978.
John Deere M snow plow, complete, original, works good, good condition
$350. Warren Co., 518-696-9978.
John Deere 440 industrial crawler loader, runs good $3,800, gas eng. St.
Marys Co., MD 301-863-2388.
JD60 Tractor, new paint, exc. condition; Skinner 1 Row Tree Planter,
Carbon Co., 570-386-5413.
John Deere 1010W industrial tractor w/loader, good rubber, paint &
bucket, runs great $2,850/obo. Bucks Co., 215-348-9041.
JD 630 tractor NF< PS, motor overhaul, 4 new tires, new paint, ex. cond
$6,800/obo. Call after 5PM. Thank you. Cambria Co., 814-344-6655.
JD 50 tractor $2,100. Woods L59 mower deck, new $450. JD F710 zero-turn
tractor with deck $1,000. Lanc. Co., 717-336-2687.
JD 1530 w/145 loader, David Brown 1212 64 HP diesel, JD 709 RC new 8 ton
Wenger wagon Rx75 rider. Juniata Co. 717-436-5784.
JD 3020 gas NF 3 pt new paint transmission rebuilt by JD JD60 new paint,
other new parts. Butler Co. 724-283-0196
International hydro 84 4 cyl diesel, 4620 hrs, 56hp, 3pth, posi. lock
$8,700. Farmall WF for 340 row crop $500. Carroll Co., 410-874-2372.
J.D. 320 $12,500; JD L $3000; JD 620 $6,000; Allis Chalmers WD $1,200;
International 284 with loader $3,900, Franklin Co., 717-532-2873.
J.D. 70 Series Loader with Bucket, used very little, very good
condition, $1,250, Caroline Co., 410-364-5432.
International 2444 industrial bucket loader, turf tires, heated cab,
weight box, good hyd, needs clutch, 1600 hrs $1,800. Hunt. Co.,
Int'l 444 utility diesel, power steering, 3 pt. hitch, Farmall diesel,
narrow front, both nice, $6,200 pair. Frederick Co. 301-845-0575.
IH Super M, Louieville. IH Super H, JD e bottom rollover plows. Oliver 3
bottom trailer plows. Lyc. Co., 570-326-3838.
IH 684 w/cab, 540+ 1000 PTO, 2 hydraulics, 4070 hrs, vgc. $6,000/obo.
Lanc. Co., 717-354-4240.
IH Farmall 856 diesel, and same six-105 4WD tractors, both on steel,
need some work. Yates, NY 315-536-0954.
IH 2400 Industrial with loader, 3 pt. hitch and POT, gas engine. Also
with extra parts and books. Cumb. Co., 717-423-6300. [can you cook with
the POT?]
Hit & Miss economy 5 HP saw, rig original, complete drop cart, good
runner. Price: $1700. Northampton Co. 610-759-7190.
Ford 2000 gas tractor, power steering, 3 pt., Pto, good cond., $2,800.
OBO. Lanc. Co. 717-687-9701.
Ford 3000 gas with front blade, 38hp, 3pt, power steering, run ex
$3,500. IH small manure spreader, ex. $900. Fred. Co., 301-667-4020.
Farmall 130 w/culti. sidedresser, 24 hay elevator, 5 bush hog, A-V
cultivators, IH fertilizer hoppers, seed brackets, Hillers, drawbars,
pulleys, shanks. Salem Co., 856-358-8625.
Farmall H w/hydraulic scoop, milk cans, bottles, 46 dirt blade, rotary,
spring fertilizer shank splitters, Planet Jr. STanley tools, antique
furniture. Salem Co., 856-358-8625.
Farmall H tractor, runs great ,goo metal, new front tires with manuals
$1,700/obo. Lanc. Co., 717-682-2076.
Farmall H Tractor, starts with 12 volt, $1200. Northumberland Co.
Case SC redone engine, radiator, paint, tires $2,500. Messey 1155, 2990
hrs, cab, air, good cond. $6,800. Lehigh Co., 610-760-1372.
CAT 416C backhoe, 4wd EROPS, E-Hoe, 1999, 3,100 hrs, recent injection
pump, good condition $2,700/neg. Pottsville ARea, Sch. Co.,
570-617-7251. [Either that is a misprint, or that machine is gone!]
Cletrack HG-68, seat for Farmall C, sickle mower, plow, cultivators for
Super-C, plow, cultivators for Farmall A, (2) Miller hot air oil
burners. Columbia Co. (570) 672-1148 after 8:00 p.m.
Cockshutt 30, restored, rebuilt motor, Dyno 45hp, newtires, PTO, wheel
weights, $3,500. Also 3 PTH for 30 Cockshutt $650. Lanc. Co., 717-587-9512.
Allis Chalmers G restored in exc. cond. with front weight and
cultivators, $4200. Allis B. good cond. $850. Lancaster Co. 717-291-9388.
Allis Chalmers tractors, parts, weights, wheels, and much more. Woods 5
ft. finish mower, Woods 5 ft. bush hog. Lancaster Co. 717-291-9388.
AC HD6 Dozer with cargo winch $5,000. JD Gator 4 wheel $3,200. Case 1845
parts, no eng. AC 11000 egn $1,200. Ler01 250 CFM comp. diesel $1,750.
Cecil Co., 410-688-3939.
2N Ford Ser.117533 $1,600. Myers Aqua air water system, mod. V45MP pump
& tank combo $80. Myers jet pump 1-1/2 catalog OP15$80. Cecil Co.,
1937 JD unstyled B 1937 JD unstyled A 1941 JD model H A&B restored H,
older restoration. Morris Co. 201-874-2327.
1944-B John Deere tractor, motor is overhauled, bore out, 90,000 Sleve
45,000, needs tires & paint, metal is good, York Co., 717-927-6586.
1030 Case tractor on steel, runs very nice, but gets hot when worked
hard $2,500. Lanc. Co., 717-786-1920.
1979 International 2500 A/574 tractor, diesel, hydrostatic, cab, wheel
weights, $3500 firm. Susq. Co. 570-442-1232.
1954 John Deere 40 utility, rare tractor with 3Pt hitch, good tires,
ready to restore, $3,995, Sullivan Co., 570-924-3757.
1952 8-N Ford Tractor, Good Rubber $1800. Wanted: Oliver 88 Row Crow
Radiator. Perry Co. 717-485-1010.
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