[AT] Fuel cans and dispensing - ideas requested

Bill Boyd billstractors at verizon.net
Thu Nov 6 20:30:26 PST 2008

I use a 6 gal plastic fuel can.
I used to use a funnel but always managed to spill some.
I now use this:


If link doesn't work just search for fuel siphon on ebay.

Bill in NETX

At 06:50 PM 11/4/2008, you wrote:
>Now that fuel prices are less unaffordable, am just wondering what others
>are doing for fueling their tractors?  I have been using 5 gallon military
>surplus cans, but the flexible nozzles are slow and generally leak a little
>to a lot.  Using a big funnel is ok for the smaller tractors, but still puts
>the full can out at 2/3 of an arm's length.  Hefting the can while balancing
>on the drawbar and lift arms of the big tractor is even more of a
>problematic task at my tender age, and probably an impossibility 5 or 10
>years down the road.  I don't use enough fuel to justify even a 55 gallon
>drum of diesel and I doubt a truck would stop to fill that for me - would
>they?  I use maybe 60 - 80 gallons a year of diesel, and don't want it to
>set for nearly a year.   Any good ideas for say a 5 - 15 gallon container
>and possibly a pump that is not hundreds of dollars?  Something that can be
>hefted in and out of an SUV by one person.
>Lets approach this as an exercise in cheapness.
>Carl Gogol - Manlius, NY
>Tasty grazing in the Oran valley of Central NY
>AC D14, 914H
>JD 5320 MFWD
>Kubota F-2400, B7300HST
>Simplicity 7116H
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