[AT] Fuel cans and dispensing - ideas requested

carl gogol cgogol at twcny.rr.com
Tue Nov 4 16:50:23 PST 2008

Now that fuel prices are less unaffordable, am just wondering what others 
are doing for fueling their tractors?  I have been using 5 gallon military 
surplus cans, but the flexible nozzles are slow and generally leak a little 
to a lot.  Using a big funnel is ok for the smaller tractors, but still puts 
the full can out at 2/3 of an arm's length.  Hefting the can while balancing 
on the drawbar and lift arms of the big tractor is even more of a 
problematic task at my tender age, and probably an impossibility 5 or 10 
years down the road.  I don't use enough fuel to justify even a 55 gallon 
drum of diesel and I doubt a truck would stop to fill that for me - would 
they?  I use maybe 60 - 80 gallons a year of diesel, and don't want it to 
set for nearly a year.   Any good ideas for say a 5 - 15 gallon container 
and possibly a pump that is not hundreds of dollars?  Something that can be 
hefted in and out of an SUV by one person.
Lets approach this as an exercise in cheapness.
Carl Gogol - Manlius, NY
Tasty grazing in the Oran valley of Central NY
AC D14, 914H
JD 5320 MFWD
Kubota F-2400, B7300HST
Simplicity 7116H 

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