[AT] Melting it all down.(copper is the new gold)

charlie hill chill8 at suddenlink.net
Fri Jul 18 17:54:12 PDT 2008

Phil you are right and the laws are similar here but we have to live with 
these people.  As I said earlier, my mom is nearly 90 and lives alone on the 
place.  The sherriff here is so busy chasing drug dealers, theives, wife 
beaters and gas drive offs that it's hard to get much help out of them.  Oh 
yeah, if I call them and tell them to serve a warrant on someone they 
probably will but that gets pretty complicated and time consuming and there 
is very little result from it.  Then you have to worry about what he's going 
to do to your stuff or your place when he knows you are not looking.  They 
won't much enforce trespassing laws unless your stuff is well posted and in 
some cases fenced.   Why should I have to spend my time and money fencing 
and putting up sign posts  to tell someone something they already know.  The 
problem is they don't care and it's hard to catch them.

A few years ago some kids defaced a Woodman of the World gravestone that is 
over 100 years old in a little cemetary on the farm.  How do you stop that 
and what can you do about it?  The law won't do anything to a 10 or 12 year 
old (even if I knew who did it).  It can't really be fixed and money fines 
won't change anything.  It's not a family gravestone.  It is the grave of 
the a man that owned the land before my family bought it.  I don't even know 
any of his relatives but it's my obligation to try to take care of it 
because it's on our place.  The old cemetary is under two huge magnolia 
trees that shade it so well that it doesn't grow up.  It had a hedge row 
around it that obscured it from view and kept it safe until my mother had 
the bright idea to "clean it up".  I tried to get her to leave it be but 
it's hard to get her to listen most of the time.  Now it's opened up to 
view, the big stone has been defaced and some wooden grave markers have been 
trampled down.  And then there are the metal detectors.   For those that 
haven't figured it out.  You don't own land.  Land owns you.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Auten" <pga2 at hot1.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Melting it all down.(copper is the new gold)

Charlie and Rob,
Around here, folks like y'all and Farmer
described get a visit from the Sherriff.
I don't know about the Carolinas or Indiana, but
the fine for simple trespassing
in Texas STARTS at $500 and goes up from there. Our county judge frowns
heavily on trespassers!  Rarely does one get off with the minimum.
If the trespassing involves hunting, the game warden gets a call and he has
more power in Texas than any other law
enforcement officer. On top of trespassing,
violators can be charged with poaching, and that is a state jail felony.
Sounds like y'all need to speak to your
trespassers with the Sherriff by your side.

My 2¢,

At 06:35 PM 7/18/2008, you wrote:
>Rob one thing that folks don't understand is that there is danger in being
>on someones farm.  There are laws that require a farmer to post a sign if
>there is dangerous poison on a crop or on the land but it ONLY applies if
>hired labor is required to be in the area.  If no work is scheduled there 
>no requirement to post any warning and a bunch of reasons not to.
>Therefore, someone could wander into your field and come out dead and it
>would be their fault.
>Years ago we logged out the woodline that boarders the fields.  There were 
>lot of nice old oak trees along the edge and I hated to cut them but they
>were in the way of equipment and they were sucking up tons of water so we
>had them cut.  There were lots of big limbs and tops left behind.  I put 
>word out in the neighborhood that anyone who wanted the wood for firewood
>was welcome to it.  They got it alright.  Every stick of it that was easy 
>cut up.  They left everything they didn't want, not where they found it in
>the woods but in the field where it was easier for them to run their saws.
>They also left their trash.  I don't mean the drink bottles and candy
>wrappers for the snacks the consumed while working.  I mean their trash 
>home. Bags of it.  Oh yeah they left the drink bottles and candy wrappers
>too.  I won't do that again.
>Our farm is long and narrow and it had a road all the way down it along the
>woods and a road out to the highway at both ends and one in the middle.
>Soon after the wood experience I told the tenant farmer to cut up all the
>roads and tend the land all the way to the woodline.  Most of the time I
>can't even get in the back of the field myself now without 4wd and that is
>just fine with me.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Rob Wilson" <rowilson at wildblue.net>
>To: "'Antique tractor email discussion group'"
><at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 6:37 PM
>Subject: Re: [AT] Melting it all down.(copper is the new gold)
> > Back on the farm we lived on that my father in law owns he had a rather
> > odd
> > thing happen. He stopped by and found a whole group of boy scouts set up
> > camp. He asked the leader what they were doing and he said they were
> > having
> > a weekend camp out. He asked him who owned the place and the guy says he
> > didn't know. My father in law told him he did and to pack them up and 
> > get
> > moving. The guy was ticked since he didn't understand what the problem
> > was.
> > It's like that everywhere anymore. No one respects anyone's property or
> > rights. My neighbor and his son were flying his son's new remote control
> > airplane in this nice green field and enjoying the day. The farmer 
> > across
> > the road comes over and asks the same as my father in law does about who
> > owns the place. My neighbor actually thought no one did. The farmer said
> > unless he wants pay for the wheat he's stomping on they better leave. 
> > The
> > neighbor too was irritated but left.
> > Rob

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