[AT] Neat jack idea

Francis Robinson robinson at svs.net
Mon Jan 14 11:57:08 PST 2008

--On Monday, January 14, 2008 8:15 AM -0800 Dave Ernst <shop at cccomm.net> 

> Ok, now I had to go look.
> They are called Handiman, made by Harrah in Bloomfield Indiana. Green in
> color.  I've still got the wire stretcher attachment they came with.
> Dave


	Most interesting Dave. If you followed the link to the "Hi-Lift" site you 
might have noticed that it also is made in Bloomfield Indiana. As I recall 
that is a pretty small town. What do you want to bet that they are made in 
the same building or that Hi-Lift bought Harrah or something like that? I 
bought mine when I had the wrecker and was doing some other odd 
construction work, I'm guessing maybe the mid to late 1980's???

	Side note to Charlie Hill... The handle is locked into the socket on mine. 
It never came out of the socket, it just came flying back up in its normal 


Francis Robinson
Central Indiana, USA
Robinson at svs.net

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