[AJD] Fwd: Re: [JDAT] Re: ebay # 280197269334

J.R. Hobbs jrhobbs2004 at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 2 18:06:32 PST 2008

  Not to worry. I might have gotten a little hot under the collar, didn't mean to, we've just taken a lot of crap over the last several weeks. Guess I felt like some things needed to be explained, but not to worry, you and I understand each other, and no hard feelings on this end, we've been friends too long. Hey, maybe we can start a pool over which one of us goes first, LOL.

Frank <gremaux at midrivers.com> wrote:
someone here asked for my opinion.....I gave it!

I said the picture was Great! I don't care who it was for they should be
proud of it!(you made it sound like I don't like Jack and I don't even know

I also said there might be a way to balance the two but apparently it was
never did say I knew anything about the economics of the publishing
business and I don't I readily admit!
I also did not say anything about the necessities of the hobby
continuing......I just said I don't read anything about the NG
machines.....if all has been written about two cylinder then maybe I need to
start acquiring back issues......

I doubt that I would get sick of the 20 and 30 series nor the numbered
series.....don't think you have a clue to what I like!

Just that I would rather see the magi devoted to two cylinder and if that is
not possible then so be it............I can read around it.....and will at
least as long as you are there.......and you will probably out live me!

I am sorry you brought up your illness as you know we all pray for your
speedy recovery !! We like what you write!

because I disagree with some of the things in that magi does not mean I
don't value your friendship because I do!

my comments were not meant as derogatory in any way.....did not mean to get
your blood so hot !

gremaux at midrivers.com
P.S. I don't have any chrome plated butchered up tractors and will be the 
first to agree with you on that one!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J.R. Hobbs" 
To: "JD List" 
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 4:27 PM
Subject: [AJD] Fwd: Re: [JDAT] Re: ebay # 280197269334

> Frank,
> If you knew anything about the economics of the publishing business,
> you'd know that what you propose simply isn't possible. The rest of this
> year will be far more TC than NG, but there will be some NG this, and will
> be for the foreseeable future. You have to realize that people like Jack
> and myself, no matter what our personal preferences might be, have to try
> to please over 18K subscribers per issue, which simply isn't possible.
> As for the cover photo, I thought it was great, no matter who it was
> taken for. But everybody likes different stuff. We get people who are
> PO'ed we won't put a photo of their chrome-plated butchered-up pulling
> tractor on the cover (not gonna happen, EVER) ,so it's a no-win situation.
> I'm sorry, I don't think we're out of balance. How many more times would
> you like us to go over every fact and re-run (for the 4th or 5th time)
> every photo we have on, say, early Model "D" Tractors? There's no
> interest in them. We've not had a spoker D at Expo for 3 years!! If we
> covered what's popular right now, it would be "20" and "30" Series
> tractors. I think you'd get sick of those in short orderl
> I'm sorry you feel the way you do. I hope that someday you'll see that
> we're doing what we think is necessary for the hobby to continue. Jack is
> 65, I'm 55, disabled, with a possibly terminal illness, and there's nobody
> coming up to take our places.We're trying to recruit people and getting
> nowhere, because you have to devote your life to this, and young people
> don't want to do that. What's gonna happen when Jack says "Enough", or if
> I die? If we don't get this info out while we're alive, it may never get
> out at all. Chew on that for a while.
> JR
> Frank wrote:
> JR
> still think you should put NG in their own mag.......then you will say put
> implements in one too........
> I am only interested in two cylinder and don't read about NG.......I do
> agree with you that there is a place just don't think it is this
> mag........I also agree that it is a tractor that is becoming collectable
> but.......
> The picture is a great picture and I imagine Mr Cherry was proud of it as
> his son and future family should be....
> could be some sort of balance in your mag but ...........
> Frank
> gremaux at midrivers.com
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