[Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 5/19 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat May 19 15:29:16 PDT 2007
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 5/19/2007. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
Wheel Horse lawn tractor C-160 16 hp, 48'' mower deck, runs & works
great. Orange Co. 845-344-4098 evenings.
Wheel horse tractor, 310-8 w/42" mower, 10 hp Kohler hi-lo range trans,
$800. Lanc. Co. 717-354-3155.
Wanted IH 1066 In need of repair, any condition, any year, cab or
fender. York Co., 717-862-1569.
Two Yanmar diesels 20 and 16 h.p., run, $600 each or $1,000 for both
OBO, Lancaster Co., 717-271-9638.
Two 1937 Farmall F20 tractors, one runs, electric start and overdrive,
one excellent parts tractor, $1,250. After 5:00 p.m. Warren Co., N.J.
Two JD G's, one with wide front end, two JD 630's, one with wide front
end, JD 2010 gas row crop for parts. Lycoming Co. 570-482-2070.
Stanley steamer car engine with original brass headlight and steam
whistle, $28,000. Allis Chalmers steel spike wheels, $175. Dauphin Co.
Speedex model 1140 garden tractor, good condition with deck. Collector
tractor, $450. Lanc. Co. 717-653-2682.
Prince PTO air compressor, hooks directly on back of tractor, compact
size, great volume, excellent for farmers, $100. Lanc. Co., 717-859-4285.
Oliver 770 gas, narrow $1,375. John Deere 4 bottom 3 pt hitch $250. John
Deere 3 pt, 3 bottom. Centre Co., 717-579-7953.
Motors & parts for cub tractors & 154 - 185 rims & turf tires for Cub.
Columbia Co., 570-784-1779.
Michigan Hancock elevating pan, 471 GMC 12 yd, $7,000. International
flat dump DT466, $6,000. Oliver OC-12 track frames, $1,000. Bucks Co.
Massey Ferguson 65 tractor, runs great, pto, 3 pt., $3,500. 1987
Cadillac sedan Deville, automatic, 270 eng., V8, $600. Perry Co.
John Deere model 70 diesel, needs work, new rims and radiator, $3,800.
301-645-7734. Prince George County, Md.
John Deere H tractor for sale. Very nice condition and priced to sell.
$1,800 obo. Truck cap, $75. Lanc. Co. 717-665-0434.
John Deere 720 diesel 2 cyl, pony start, p.s. 3pt. VGC $5,900/obo. Also
1941 JD H" hand start $2,750. Berks Co., 215-679-2068.
John Deere 3020 power shift $5,200. Ford 8N tractor $1,500. Farmall
Super C $1,200. Farmall BN tractor $1,200. Centre Co., 717-579-7953.
John Deere 2020, runs good, gas, needs paint, $3,000 obo. John Deere
flail chopper, $1,000. Chester Co. 610-306-6388.
JD 720D Factory W.F. $4,900. JD 455 60" deck Power Flow Bagger, $4,500.
JD 4020 D. Engine $2,000. International axle hubs. $250. York Co.
JD 3020 gas NF 3pt new paint, transmission rebuilt by JD. JD 3010 gas NF
3 pt. new rear tires. Butler Co., 724-283-0196.
JD 4020 diesel, good tires, runs good, cab, $5,500. IHC 13x7 grain drill
w/factory hydraulic lift w/grass box, $300. Berks Co. 610-641-0214.
JD 2 cyl., round wide front, exc. $1,000; JD 420C loader, VGC, $300;
420C counter weights, $50 ea. Warren, NJ 908-362-7478 after 6 p.m.
IH 684 diesel tractor, 3 pt, 1 hyd. remote, recent overhaul, runs &
works good, $5,000. 1964 C60 Chevy dump truck, $900. York Co., 717-873-1022.
IH 760 offset disk 12' IH 656D one owner tractor 14' grain dump with
cover. Dauphin Co. 717-919-7349.
IH 240 Narrow front 2 row cultivator, new tires, 12 volt, 89 GMC 3/4T
PU, well maintained, Wayne Co., NY, 315-587-9062.
Ford tractor with loader model 4000, diesel, runs but needs work.
$2,200. 301-645-7734. Prince George County, Md.
Fordson with MTL, plow, 10-20 McCormick, Model A handiman tractor,
parts, 8 cyl., aero motor, VW diesel motors. York Co. 717-244-6142.
Forklifts, diesel, propane, electric, gas, Case backhoe bucket, 24 inch,
$300. Copar Panzer 1,000 old window sashes, $4. Middlesex Co. 732-251-8895.
Ford 1953 flat head, make offer, 1941 A/C tractor, make offer, Ford
Jubilee 1953, make offer. Lebanon Co. 717-273-9906.
Ferguson T020, good cond., runs good, $1,800; JD 630 NF, good cond. No
lower links, $4,200. Franklin Co. 717-597-9600.
Farmall 340 PS, NF, runs but needs some work. $1,500. Bucks Co.
Farmall 400 FH, good motor, bad TA, straight but needs paint, $2,000
OBO. 3 pt. scraper blade, nice, $250. Columbia Co., 570-204-6360.
Farmall A, good condition, $2,200 obo. Thoroughbred stallion, make
offer, must see. Also Bluebird $8, wren $6 houses. Lanc. Co. 717-629-9228.
Farmall BN 1946 restored, $3,200; JD 2 cyl. heads B2501, A2325R, B1306R;
JD 41 B hood. Montour Co., 570-850-3449.
Farmall Cub 154 with turf tires mower and snowplow very good cond.,
Jacobson 14hp lawn tractor mower $350. Berks Co., 610-641-9581.
Farmall MD diesel tractor, restore or use for parts. Make offer. Dauphin
Co. 717-566-6545.
Farmall Super A" with cultivators, new tires on rear, $1,900. St. Mary's
Co. 301-994-0926.
Farmall Super H in nice shape $2,800. Berks Co., 610-683-7931.
Farmall Super M wide front live hydraulic P/S factory hour meter serial
#L-503402J, asking $3,600. Chester Co., 610-286-9087, ask for Ron.
David Bradley Walk Behind motor cultivators. Fwd & reverse gears, $100;
Fwd & Reverse, High & low range $125, No Attachments, Blair Co.,
David Bradley walk behind tractors, several attachments, restore or
parts, pair $100. Bucks Co., 215-932-2062.
Cub Loboy with mower 9-ton trailer, New Idea 323 corn picker, 2000 bu.
corn crib, everthing very good cond. North. Co., 610-767-2217.
Cub Low Boy woods mower, three point, new overhaul, $2,900. Adams Co.
Choremaster one-wheeled garden tractor, attachments, $100; Hudson B&S
lawn sprayer, $100, works fine. Fertilizer cart, $50. Cumberland Co.
Case Vac-14 tractor, $1,500 obo. IH truck 21,000 GVW, inspected. JD
cultimulcher packer rolls and bearings. Lanc. Co. 717-665-4743.
AC tractors, CA, WD, WD45. Also 88 ft skeleton bale elevator with motor
& JD 3 section scratch harrow. Kent Co. 410-928-3276.
AC G woods 4 2'' rotary belly mower, G42 with all brackets and mounts,
only fits Allis Chalmers G $375. Chester Co. 610-998-0380.
A/C B'' 1938 Model, mostly restored, exc. motor, paint tin & tires, work
or show, call for details, $1,100 obo. Berks Co. 610-944-9162.
8N Ford tractor original cond., runs, $1,000 obo. Int. baler, fair
condition. $250 obo. Montg. Co. 215-487-1232.
8N Ford, very good 3 pt. PTO, new paint, $2,950; 2000 26 ft. dry box
w/side door, lift gate, $1,400. Cumberland Co. 717-729-8098.
9N, 1941, 32" rear tires, Sherman HiLo trans, older rest. inc. full set
org. Ford steel wheels. $2,500. Chester Co. 717-529-6428.
75 KW generator Cummins Genset 3 phase on skids fuel tank included,
asking $3,500. Calvert Co., MD 813-220-5451.
540 RPM gear box for IH Cub, great to run, small spreader, $495. Warren
Co. 908-625-6872.
601 Ford Work Master, runs good, $2,500; AC WD, runs good, $1,400; JDDD
B parts tractor, $400. Hampshire Co., WV 304-496-8341.
25 KW Onan generator, PTO driven, on wheels, milk transfer pump for 1
1/2" line. 5 hp elec motor. Stroke sander. Berks Co. 610-562-4161.
1968 Cub LoBoy, rebuilt engine, 60'' belly mower, factory dual rear
wheels, misc. extras. Lycoming Co. 570-323-0927.
1957 John Deere two cylinder model J good condition serial #108268 have
official two cylinder documents $5,000. Columbia Co., 570-799-5210.
1954 AC Model CA tractor, ex. cond. New paint, cult & plow. Union Co.
1953 Ferguson 30 restored, gt. shape, $2,500. Snapper push mower, 4 hp,
yard machine, push mower, 6 hp, 22" cut. Lanc. Co. 727-284-5038.
1952 JD B Completely restored, 1963 Ford 2000 very nice condition, 1959
JD 730D show ready, w/wfe $13,200. York Co. 717-757-0791.
1951 A-C WD restored, power steering, $2,000. 5 ft. Bush Hog, $400.
Bobcat S300, 190 hrs., $26,500. Chipper, backhoe rentals. Lanc. Co.,
1948 Allis Chalmers C N.F.E., v.g. condition, new rear tires and rims,
new radiator, $1,500. Montour Co. 570-437-2641.
1940's Swingtime Nostalgia, Downbeat and Metronome magazines. Great
pictures and articles. 24 copies, $50 cash. Buyer pays shipping. Lanc.
Co. 717-653-8529.
1945 Farmall H $2,000. 1946 A.C.C $2,000. 1948 Case VA0 $2,500. 1953 JD
40T $3,200. Prices neg. York Co., 717-741-2478.
1940 Farmall A fully restored by Stauffer tractor Myerstown, New rubber,
serial#FAB29995 electric starter & lights $5,300. Berks Co., 610-777-7586.
1936 F-12 Serial plate w/orig. bill of sale, gas tank, hood, mag, $165.
Drawbar, $80. Mower $85. Cumberland Co. 856-455-2368.
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