[AT] Titan tractor print
Steve W.
falcon at telenet.net
Mon Jul 30 15:27:34 PDT 2007
Ron, Your too late. I can show you at least three sites that are that
way now.
One of them started as a free site and the "owner" decided that he
would be a nice guy and host all the images on his server instead of on
the free web site. After the archive got to be rather large and had MANY
other peoples personal pictures on it. He decided that HE owned all the
pictures and anyone who wanted to see them had to pay dues to get to see
there own pictures.
Another one is supposedly a free site, HOWEVER if you post ANY pictures
on it, the site claims ownership and forbids you posting them ANYWHERE
else online. Oh and if you had saved any informational pictures from the
site BEFORE this policy went into effect. TOO BAD delete them and don't
use them anywhere else.
I also know of one picture site that allows you to post pictures YOU
took yourself. This site then has a publicity outfit that grabs a copy
of the image and SELLS it. You get NOTHING.
The catch is that the courts have actually upheld crap like that.
RonMyers at wildblue.net wrote:
> I think I will put all the pictures of everything pertaining to tractors
> on the Web so I can claim them as mine and then make all of you pay me for
> their use.
> Where does this Wis. Histerical soc. get off with this stuff. That
> copyright ran out so many year ago that I can't count them up.
> I see people put their family tree online and caim that no one can use any
> part of it boy people sure have a lot Gall.
> Goto the library of congress site and look up copyright laws.
> Ron
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>> Unless the library has tracked down the original copyright holder and in
>> some manner obtained those rights, these images are most likely now in
>> the public domain and you can copy them at will.
>> But you'd need to do your own research to decide whether you can just
>> ignore the claims of ownership. My approach would be to just ignore
>> them.
>> Rick
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
>> [mailto:at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com] On Behalf Of JParks
>> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 1:11 PM
>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
>> Subject: Re: [AT] Titan tractor print
>> Larry
>> I agree that this is a pretty gray area. It is gray in so many ways,
>> whether it is a copy or even the original. I'm more appalled by
>> businesses
>> and individuals patenting pieces of nature. e.g. plants which have been
>> on
>> the earth for millions of years. The next step would be to patent and
>> protect the elements on the periodic table, requiring us to submit
>> royalties
>> to the owners of the patents. I hope I haven't given anyone any ideas.
>> John Parks
>> Boise, Id
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Larry D Goss" <rlgoss at evansville.net>
>> To: "Antique tractor email discussion group"
>> <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 10:47 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AT] Titan tractor print
>>> I've been chewing on the inside of my lips all afternoon and evening
>> because
>>> of your email, John. That is a nice print. The image reminds me that
>> I
>>> have a digitally restored photograph of three Titan's with plows
>> attached
>>> and parked in front of the local IH dealership after field testing
>> them in
>>> Posey county, Indiana. The original photo was on the wall of the
>> dealership
>>> and the owner loaned it to me to see what I could do with it. So I
>> did a
>>> high-resolution scan of the photo (out of its frame) and then tweaked
>> the
>>> image to clean it up, bring back the brightness and contrast, and
>> print it
>>> out at a larger size than the original. I gave him back three or four
>> good
>>> prints of it and a copy of the digital photo file.
>>> I do this sort of thing regularly with the thousands of photos that I
>> have
>>> custody of through genealogy work. It really gets interesting when I
>> see
>>> claims of ownership like the one that accompanies the Wisconsin
>> History
>> file
>>> that you listed. I ran into a similar claim of ownership of
>> historical
>>> photos in a library in Colorado -- not to be copied or modified, etc,
>> etc,
>>> ... I recognized some of the photos in the library holdings as being
>>> identical to photos I have in my own collection. The frustration
>> level of
>>> the poor archivist at the library nearly reached the breaking point
>> when
>> she
>>> saw that I had a number of photos that were obviously identical to
>> their
>>> holdings and that many of mine were in better condition than theirs.
>>> The bottom line is that libraries and historical societies are going
>> to
>> have
>>> a difficult time trying to uphold their claimed ownership of items
>> such as
>>> this while making them accessible to the public at the same time. The
>>> philosophy of a great number of these organizations is that of
>> protectionism
>>> rather than free access.
>>> Larry
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "John Cullom" <jh_cullom at comcast.net>
>>> To: "Antique tractor email discussion group"
>> <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>>> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 12:16 PM
>>> Subject: [AT] Titan tractor print
>>>> I finally got around to having this old IH Titan advertizing print
>> from
>>>> 1919 professionally mounted
>>>> so it'll be preserved. I found it rolled up in an old outbuilding on
>> my
>>>> late grandfather's farm.
>>>> Part of it was mouse eaten, but most was in good shape. I know there
>> was
>> a
>>>> Titan on the farm many
>>>> years ago, so I surmised this poster came with the tractor, or was
>> an ad
>>>> they got from the dealer.
>>>> Here's a shot of it framed -
>>>> http://oldengine.org/members/jcullom/print.jpg. Here's a writeup on
>> the
>>>> print from the Wisconsin Historical Society -
>> http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/whi/fullRecord.asp?id=3557&formatNumber=
>> 9999
>> 000314.
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Steve W.
Near Cooperstown, New York
NRA Member
Pacifism - The theory that if they'd fed
Jeffrey Dahmer enough human flesh,
he'd have become a vegan.
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