[AT] Dead list and Baling Bermuda Hay
RonMyers at wildblue.net
RonMyers at wildblue.net
Sat Jul 14 07:47:36 PDT 2007
I don't know why some people think that they need to have the hay so darn
dry, it will lose almost all of its protein that dry and will be nothing
but fodder not worth a darn to feed animals with. My book says 18 to 20
percent hay is best and will not mold. above 25 you can get mold and 35
before it will burn your barn down. We have a moisture tester to use so
we can know where we are its a lot more accurate than twisting the stuff.
This time of the year we bale in the morning just to get some dew on it so
it won't be to dry.
I have one guy who is so worried about burning his barn down that I hate
to bale for him but he's a very good friend and helps a lot with the
bucking of it. I can't do much of that heavy stuff anymore.
> Wish we could do some work with the tractors. Here in Oklahoma we just
> had the entire years total rainfall on July the 13. 8 inches of it fell
> so far this week. I cut
> some bermuda and some prairie hay last Sunday afternoon. Baled the
> prairie the next day. However the guy I was baling for is selling this
> stuff for premium horse hay and he doesn't want to bale it until it is
> bone dry. It was 18% moisture and when I twisted a wad of it, there was
> no sap running out, but his requirement was for the hay to break when it
> is twisted. Sorta like broomstraws. He says that if it hs any moisture
> in the Bermuda it will mildew. We now have 25 acres of bermuda hay on
> the ground that has had 8 inches of rain on it and the new growth is
> pushing up through it. He bought a tedder to use, but that is only for
> windrowed hay.
> Somebody give me some advice, like I said I baled my prairie, when I
> pulled out of the field it started raining. I have baled hay for over
> 40 years and this is the first time I ever found anyone needing hay this
> dry. I only go along with this because I get to use hos tractor and
> baler to bale my hay with and the baler and tractor are only 2 years old..
> Cecil in Okla
> pga2 at hot1.net wrote:
>> I love it when a plan comes together!
>> Also glad someone is having some good luck for a change.
>> Phil
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> >From : RonMyers at wildblue.net
>> Sent : Fri, 13 Jul 2007 10:43:30 -0600 (MDT)
>> To : Antique tractor email discussion group
>> <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>> Subject : [AT] Dead list
>>> Well all the people ran off and left me to talk to myself so here goes.
>> Yesterday I moved the last of the hay into the barn some 400 bales and
>> then I took a look at the Old Cockshutt the oil pressure gage line had
>> broken and was spilling oil all over the place and the power steering
>> pump
>> was leaking.
>> first went to town got a kit for the line put it on and no more leak.
>> Then
>> took the power steering pump off and took it apart cleaned the thing out
>> and looked at the big square "O"ring it looked good so put it all back
>> together and now its not leaking.
>> Nice to have everything ro right for once.
>> Ron
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