[Farmall] Any advice on THIS problem (Off Topic...sorry)
Paul Sigmund
pwsigmund at verizon.net
Wed Jan 17 18:18:08 PST 2007
Human nature has changed little from the beginning of recorded history. You
know that. Any casual student of world history can support that
observation. The peers of youth often shape much more of many lives than is
realized. Whether some psychoneurological malady may be affecting your
young friend or not, what he needs far beyond all else is acceptance,
appreciation, love. It is only the "frontier cultures" of America,
Australia, South Africa that sociologically emulate and reward the athletes,
the self actualized successful, the modern pioneers . In the East, in
Europe the scholars, the engineers, the teachers, are accorded much more
social recognition and remuneration than here. Even with his "strangeness"
he likely would receive greater respect anywhere than from our culture.
He's facing intense aloneness. He desparately needs to know and experience
that there are alternatives to what he sees at school, in his own small
world. You're doing much more than you probably even realize for him.
Keep doing as much as you can for him in the "now" . . as he has turned to
you, you've been given a true gift. And a life changing responsibility.
Apparently noone else in his world can give him that. But he's found
someone. How many of us are put into a situation where we can truly make
the kind of difference in another's life that will shape, perhaps control
the future of this kid. This is more than raising one's own "normal"
children. A support group would be ideal, so he can see he is not unique,
not alone, not a freak. He needs to understand, be understood, and
accepted, now matter how small the group of peers. All that has to be
there, regardless of the diagnosis. But right now all he may have is you.
Don't underestimate the what you can do for him . . . and in doing so, him
for you.
----- Original Message -----
From: "James Moran" <jrmoraninc at yahoo.com>
To: "Farmall/IHC mailing list" <farmall at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Farmall] Any advice on THIS problem (Off Topic...sorry)
> Looking back at my (let's say) elementary school years, I can now reflect
upon how certain of my classmates did not "fit the mold". In those years
(the 50's) there did not exist all of the "pockets" into which an
individual with a certain "problem set" could be assigned. Yes, there was
one "special ed" room, but those kids were Down's Syndrom victims. I guess
that, unless one displayed that level of extreme need (up to an including
the "physical appearance" associated with such problems), that individual
remained in the "main stream" and, unable to adapt and "keep up" suffered
> Since those dark ages, I am obliged to say that diagnosis and
treatments have come a long way. I would, at the same time, observe that
basic tolerance has not kept up and the "milk of human kindness" is on
> I worry about this kid in question up to and including a concern for
self-destruction. As I previously noted, he is of superior intellect and,
if sufficiently frustrated and "hurt" continuously, he (and others like
him) might either (a) turn violent against society and/or (b) make the
ultimate statement reflective of their isolation and pain.
> Sigh...
> JM
> David Bruce <davidbruce at yadtel.net> wrote: James,
> I comment you for caring and putting a lot of thought in how you can
> safely aid this young man.
> My brother is bipolar (now looking back it was there from birth but for
> years it was either ignored or not understood at all). He does really
> well when he is properly on his meds but without them he can't function
> at all. Hopefully this young man can be helped to be a productive
> person sans medications but if the meds are needed for him to survive in
> society it's a good thing they are available.
> Have no doubt your efforts will help the young man (and maybe a whole
> David
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