[Farmall] Any advice on THIS problem (Off Topic...sorry)
James Moran
jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 17 12:38:10 PST 2007
Looking back at my (let's say) elementary school years, I can now reflect upon how certain of my classmates did not "fit the mold". In those years (the 50's) there did not exist all of the "pockets" into which an individual with a certain "problem set" could be assigned. Yes, there was one "special ed" room, but those kids were Down's Syndrom victims. I guess that, unless one displayed that level of extreme need (up to an including the "physical appearance" associated with such problems), that individual remained in the "main stream" and, unable to adapt and "keep up" suffered accordingly.
Since those dark ages, I am obliged to say that diagnosis and treatments have come a long way. I would, at the same time, observe that basic tolerance has not kept up and the "milk of human kindness" is on allocation.
I worry about this kid in question up to and including a concern for self-destruction. As I previously noted, he is of superior intellect and, if sufficiently frustrated and "hurt" continuously, he (and others like him) might either (a) turn violent against society and/or (b) make the ultimate statement reflective of their isolation and pain.
David Bruce <davidbruce at yadtel.net> wrote: James,
I comment you for caring and putting a lot of thought in how you can
safely aid this young man.
My brother is bipolar (now looking back it was there from birth but for
years it was either ignored or not understood at all). He does really
well when he is properly on his meds but without them he can't function
at all. Hopefully this young man can be helped to be a productive
person sans medications but if the meds are needed for him to survive in
society it's a good thing they are available.
Have no doubt your efforts will help the young man (and maybe a whole lot).
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