[Farmall] Any advice on THIS problem (Off Topic...sorry)

James Moran jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 1 17:36:41 PST 2007

  Are you at all familiar with Asperger's Disorder?

Matthew Gray <pudding at puddingsworld.com> wrote:  what do you mean buy other cognitive issues........

my girlfriend won't like me talking about her but she is a ADD 
child.......she still has medication......now 22

she has two jobs, is a qualified kitchen chief and is very independent......

she obviously has an ability to learn, especially when its something that 
interests, ie her jobs, cooking, home renovations etc, but if it doesn't 
interest her, she switches off.....straight away, she is like me, can take a 
year to read  a book, and ya sit there and read the line ten times thinking 
about something else. she has driven my manual car a few times, she has 
picked it up, just needs fine tuning.....lol.....she even changes gears when 
i am on the cellphone.....

to me everyone has attention problems, they say the best entreprenur 
businesspeople are ADD, identify a demand for a product, develop it, start a 
business, get board with it, sell it to businessmen whos aim is to 
consolidate and build a enterprise

thanks to OSH requirements in New zealand all PTO shafts need to be covered 
and secured,
but typical with old machinery safety was not such a concern 'back then'

people like this learn at there own rate, a video maynot help, because it 
maybe long and boring, unless ya show him as when applicable to what you are 
doing,  they often learn better hands on, in the work place,

ya best bet is to take the truck to the field and lock up chainsaws etc when 
splitting wood etc, and get him to pass you the wood, if he can lift 

i know it involves money, but if it was my child he would have a old ride on 
mower with no deck to play with, small trailer for bringing wood to the 
spliter, the ride on mower would have a kill switch under the seat.......its 
a minimal impact way of getting him to understand machinery, and a fell for 
the equipment, it will also make driving a car as simple as riding a bike in 
the future.........lets face it, driving a vehicle is going to be a big part 
of his life in the future,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Moran" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 10:07 AM
Subject: [Farmall] Any advice on THIS problem (Off Topic...sorry)

> Ladies and Gentlemen-
> This is certainly off topic but, IMHO, very  important as most of us are 
> parents or (at least) care about  children.  Here goes....
> I have a fine neighbor with a wife  and four lovely kids (two of each). 
> The elder boy is extremely  intelligent, friendly, and inquisitive. 
> However, he suffers from  attention deficit and other "cognitive" issues. 
> Because he is  "different" and despite his superior intellect, he is (drum 
> roll....)  bullied (emotionally and physically) at school and, though I do 
> not  understand this, the school officials don't intervene.
> Anyway, he  is interested in things that I do and his father does which 
> translates  to utilizing machinery, much of which is downright dangerous. 
> He  wants to "get involved" and, due to his illness, has an inherent lack 
> of self control and, as a corollary, does not seem to be able to  envision 
> how badly things can go (nor how quickly).  Again...this  is not a 
> "trouble maker"...he just can't control himself and  (naturally) his 
> father wants him to enjoy the types of things that we  do.
> As an example, I have a big log splitter and I supply firewood  (free) to 
> the kid's family (theirs in not an embarrassment of riches,  if you get my 
> drift) so that they can do their family thing in front of  the fireplace. 
> This unit has an exposed universal.  Yeah...I  know...fashion a shield for 
> it as a general precaution.  We have  deposited a good amount of wood and 
> it needs to be split for drying and  use.  His dad and I know that the boy 
> will want to be around  during the operation and, frankly, I am scared to 
> death.
> It is NOT  just the splitter.  He wants to get his fingers into everything 
> (e.g., chainsaws and such).  Because of this he has to be  monitored 
> continuously and, I fear, that if his father or I turn our  backs for a 
> second, something serious could happen and, should that  transpire, I 
> would die.
> Do any of you have any suggestions as to  how this child might be made 
> aware of life's dangers?  Yelling and  screaming don't do any good, again 
> due to his special mental  processing.  I was thinking about video (not 
> too graphic) that  might depict how carelessness can lead to disaster.
>  Perhaps one or more of you have had a similar situation with your own 
> children or kids in the neighborhood.
>  I know this is off the mark for tractor repairs but I would sure love to 
> hear anything you folks might suggest.
>  Thanks in advance.
>  Jim  Moran
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