[Farmall] Some ads from the 2/24 Lancaster Farming
James Moran
jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 24 15:59:52 PST 2007
Mike Sloane <mikesloane at verizon.net> wrote: Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 2/24/2007. For the full listing, go to
. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
Yates American table saw $300; Sioux valve grinder; Black & Decker valve
grinder; IHC #23 sickle mower. Warren Co., 908-475-3330.
Year round cab. All complete. Fits 20 series tractors. Good condition.
$750. Loudoun Co., 540-338-6552. [That is pretty general - JD? IH?
Steiner 420 diesel tractor with Mc400 rough cut mower attachment $3,500.
Franklin Co., 717-532-7040.
Pepsi machine works good, Maytag wringer washing machines, boiler
heating system, hot water 115,000btu, used cast iron bathtub. Montg.
co., 215-628-3892. [I have to wonder how someone winds up with a Pepsi
machine or why]
** Obviously favored Pepsi over Coke or Doctor Pepper.
John Deere A slaut dash $800. JD A $500. Both $1,200. Not running
Farmall MTA, JD MT $1,975. Butler co., 724-353-1392.
John Deere 440 loader, $1,400. John Deere 520 3pt, power steering, top
link, manual, straight, original tractor, $4,200. Lanc. Co. 717-354-7046.
JD B new rubber, fenders, electric start, $2,700. Run or restore. Orange
Co. 845-692-5394.
JD cab fits 110 thru 140 lawn tractor $400. Farmall Super C with sickle
bar mower. $2,200. Cumberland Co. 717-258-0533.
Cat D4 PTO unit $950 obo. JD 4039 D. Engine, needs crankshaft $850. JD
2640 Engine Parts $400. Bedford Co. 814-766-0074.
D-17 w/fully hyd. loader, will part out AC SC blade, WD-45 D-15 trip
loaders, A-C parts & equipt. Lanc. Co. 717-284-2640.
Farmall 200, IH96 rake, Deutz 4-star tedder, IH 47 baler,
air-compressors, tillers, woods mower, dump trailer, 3/4 socket set.
Chester Co., 610-932-8943.
Farmall F-12 parts for sale, also want to buy Allis-Chalmers G, any
condition, can pickup. Juniata co., 717-371-7029 anytime.
Farmall H for parts runs OK, bad transmission, no tires and rims
$400.14x30 rims off Deutz $120. ST. Mary's Co., 301-997-0312.
Farmall H tractor $1,200. 100% Boer bucks. York, PA 717-993-9535.
International Harvester cream separator, stainless steel, ex. cond.
$300. EZ calf hutches & wires, ex. cond. $150/ea. York Co., 717-993-2919.
Ground driven manure spreader, John Deere model L serial #51. Excellent
condition. Will deliver $700. Snyder Co., 570-837-6834.
General Electric gas driven welder, F20, Farmall, complete Detroit
diesel, 5V53 engine, 70,000 miles, Farmall MD, $550 each. Bucks Co.
FORD snow plows (Sauder) 7' $260 to $450. Tire chains 28 $110.($400
new). Ford Loader (Sauder) $85. 6' bucket, Ford cultivator 2 row $190.
Call after 5 p.m. York Co. 717-246-0202.
Ford 1600 compact tractor with loader and 3pt equipment $4,800. MM Ztu
show tractor $1,375. Oliver Super 77, gas. Union Co., 570-524-2410.
FML M parts, pistons, rods, flywheel, manfold FML 400 parts, rims, cast
wheels, seat. Located near Pittsburgh. Westmoreland Co. 724-834-7197.
Farmall Super A, runs good, $1,600. Woods L59 belly mower, complete for
Super A, like new, $1,200. Warren Co., N.J. (908) 496-4409.
Antique construction earth equip, TD6 dozer, TD6 highlift, TD18 dozer
Cat D8-14A unit & fronts, shovel, backhoe. Cambria Co. 814-495-4564.
Farmall SC, WFE, 3 pt hitch, avg. cond., good tires, work, restore or
parts, $2,250. 78 Chevy truck 4WD, $500. New 7' 3pt blade, $400. 30
three pt dirt scoop, $225. Clinton Co. 570-725-3604.
Atlas Floor Drill Press $60. Ford 120 lawn tractor alum. deck $250.
Sears David Bradley walk behind tractor. Berks Co. 717-933-4721.
8 ft. front mount snowblower by McKee Bros., double auger, hyd. lift and
gooseneck $4,100/obo. Lanc. Co., 717-442-4838.[Now that is the kind of
snowblower I could work with - the three point blowers are a pain in the
** Did you read "8 ft." as "8 pt."? I reckon that a width such as this is not unlike the machinery (about which I wrote to you) was being used at the school across from our house. If so, that is a "big ass" unit.
1939 WC AC restored $2,000. 1957 WD45 AC restored $3,000. Lanc. Co.,
1937 John Deere A, $3,300. Restored 1945 John Deere H, $4,200. Allegany
Co. 607-356-3694.
1 1/2 HP John Deere hit and miss motor. Garrett Co. 301-245-4413.
Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
It's hard to argue against cynics - they always sound smarter
than optimists because they have so much evidence on their side.
-- Molly Ivins 1944-2007
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