[Farmall] My Goodness.

greg or sean jeung hrududu at sopris.net
Fri Dec 28 23:17:26 PST 2007

> On Dec 28, 2007, at 7:36 PM, Frank DeWitt wrote:
>> I started the thread about Mice.  I don't like them nesting in my  
>> tractor.
>> It took off like crazy as topics on lists often do.  Having started
>> it I feel bad that people have become angry, and very bad that James
>> is thinking of leaving.
>> Frank

Very interesting progression of things. It always seems to happen  
every year when the weather gets cold and folks don't have as much  
tractor time at work or play.
One thought is to put 'OT' for 'off-topic' in the subject line. While  
this is a 'community' with a common interest, it is best to keep  
things tractor-related.
Imagine if we wanted to share a recipe, or a joke, or warnings, or  
charity appeals. It would tie up the bandwidth, the archive storage,  
and increase the amount of time required to wade through what WE  
thought was important or funny enough to share with our FRIENDS. I  
know that I surly miss a lot by NOT also being subscribed to the  
general 'ATIS antique tractor list' (for example, I don't know if  
there was a Charity Auction this year) but I don't have the time or  
discipline to spend on more than just the Farmall list and having to  
separate the wheat from the chaff with my delete key even if 'OT' was  
added which could help.
Maybe Spencer can create another list like 'country life' where non- 
tractor related things referred to and can be cussed and discussed.  
After all, with the long history of the lists and it being developed,  
maintained, and hosted for FREE, I think by following the rules and  
intent, that it would be most beneficial and productive. From the  
ATIS home page  http://www.atis.net/
Who is this for?

Anyone who wants to help make and maintain an internet community of  
old tractor lovers, restorers, parts suppliers, users, and just plain  
interested persons. Regardless of your experience with old tractors,  
ownership status, and knowledge; all are welcome. Some of us learn,  
some teach, and in the long run we all do both. Don't be shy, sign up!

Good luck with your old iron and thank you for the virtual  
experiences I've had learning about old tractors,
Greg Jeung

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