[AT] Truth on the Internet and elsewhere

Bob McNitt nysports at frontiernet.net
Mon Dec 10 13:14:34 PST 2007

Hi Folks -

I've been following this "icing/wind chill" thread and after seeing the posts by Larry & Mattias, I had to smile.

As a longtime magazine editor (retired), writer and webmaster (still doing those), the Internet has been the monumental example of the old good news bad news inventions of our time. It provides a wealth of information and ease of access and use. The bad news is there is a wealth of misinformation and garbage in cyberspace ... sadly much of it is often accepted as factual and passed along.

Chat lines and other surfer involvement sites are particularly dangerous IF you don't take them for what they are -- primarily people's opinions and views, sometimes right and sometimes not, and often reactionary on others' differing opinions and views ... no more, no less.

Bob in NY

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