[Farmall] PTO removal on an M

Dean Vinson dean at vinsonfarm.net
Mon Apr 2 04:04:45 PDT 2007

The PTO on my 1950 M hasn't worked since I bought the tractor last Fall--I
can't get the engagement lever to move at all.  So I'm about to pull the PTO
housing off and see what the deal is.  Need to replace the oil seals anyway
to stop a slow drip from around the PTO shaft.

Looking at the parts book and I&T manual it seems pretty straightforward,
and I'm hoping/expecting that once I have the thing apart I'll be able to
sort out why it doesn't work.  Anyone been inside one of these and have
suggestions on what to look for, what not to do, etc?


Dean Vinson
Dayton, Ohio

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