[AT] It's high time part 1

Gene Dotson gdotsly at loganrec.com
Wed Oct 25 20:16:35 PDT 2006

    This oversteps the bounds on this list. This list is to be devoted to 
old tractors and rural life.
    Please keep this material in the proper lists.

        Gene Dotson
        De Graff, Ohio

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kevin" <ironman1962 at earthlink.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 10:36 PM
Subject: [AT] It's high time part 1

OK.   It's high time we White people get over our collective guilt and stop 
trying to be so dern politically correct when it comes to everyone else.

Yes, some nasty things happened when our ancestors came here and forced 
themselves into a place occupied by the natives.   That's long over and done 
with.   No one alive today participated in any of that, trust me.   History 
is a series of cultural depredations.   That was one of them.   End of 

OK, yes again, civil rights for Blacks was probably overdue, and was a 
struggle, but that too has been dealt with.   Black people have been 
enjoying equality for decades now, so let's get over that too.   As we're 
seeing today, Blacks can be racists too, so enough with the guilt.  Not a 
single person alive today imported, bought, or housed slaves in the United 
States.   I guarantee it.   No more cringing.

Now it's the Mexicans, who somehow have rights in a country they've entered 
illegally.   Immigrants are welcome.   Always have been.  The difference 
between legal and illegal, though, is that we get to pick and choose the 
legal ones.   Some of the illegal ones just may be people we'd call 
undesirable.   Let's decide by looking at their behavior while here. 
Refusing to learn our language or take any other steps to assimilate is a 

OK.  On to the Big One:  Muslim fanatics.   I confess to embracing the idea 
of multi-culturism until I wised up.   It seemed exciting to visit different 
parts of town and see different cultures acting out in their own ways;  the 
different clothing, foods, music, and yes, even the sound of a different 
language.   Things changed when I wasn't looking.   Now Muslim radicals want 
to change OUR country around to suit the way they think.   Needless to say, 
the way they think is foreign to our standard values.   Some of them think 
they should be allowed to get their driver's license photo while wearing a 
burqa, or have no photo at all, for instance.  That doesn't seem to conform 
to our traditional ideas about identifying a person, making them 
responsible.   Others want to punish us here in our own country if we behave 
in ways that doesn't conform to their beliefs;  cab drivers won't pick up a 
fare that's carrying alchohol, some individuals want to punish women who 
model for nude magazines, some have been quoted as desiring to have the 
quran as the supreme law of the land.   Now just  a minute !

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