[Farmall] Farmall H rear tire mounting process.

Simon Herriotts sherriot at cisco.com
Tue Oct 3 13:16:09 PDT 2006


Question for the group about my old H. I do not run it very often, once 
a month or so, and she usually starts up right away.
However a few times a year it is a different story. Turn her over and 
she will not fire. At this point I usually check fuel (all OK), air (yup 
nothing has built a new nest in there) and spark. I pull a plug wire and 
with a spare spark plug check for spark, and get nothing. So I pull of 
the distributor cap and check inside for other developments, no issues 
found so re-assemble and retest for spark and "ta da" she fires on the 
first spin.

This has happened to me about 6 times now in the last 3 yrs or so, to 
the point that I go through the motions with the spark plug/distributor 
cap each time automatically. Sort of a ritual I have to go through in 
penance for leaving her alone so long.

Any clue as to what is actually going on? Moisture build up under the 
cap that I release by removing it?

Any thought would be appreciated.


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