[Farmall] Freeman auction prices

James Moran jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 29 17:03:06 PST 2006

Gentlemen (and women)-
 I am in Upstate New York and (my impression  is that) IH stuff as well as others abound.  I mentioned my own  sorry experience with all of those H's, M's, 340U, etc.
 Question  is...what do you want?  This is a somewhat small community which  seems to have escaped the collecting craze.  As an example...a  gentleman just down the road has an "A" (with front blade) in his  shed.  It is absolutely perfect in original condition.  It  can be bought in the less than $2K range.  As my wife and I drive  about, we can easily spot all sorts of things such as Allis Chalmers  machines, Olivers, J/D's, Ford 8n's (and their ilk), and IH goods.
  In the most part, these fellas are just sitting there.  Of course,  in that I don't need/want them, I don't bother to stop to engage a  conversation.
If there is interest, I would entertain trying to  "help out" where I can.  There is no shortage of machines around  here, I assure you.  I would suggest that we are something of a  "lost community"...too small or too large...too urban or to rural (I  cannot explain it exactly.
  Jim Moran
Farmallgray at aol.com wrote:  Bob,
I must admit that the hand crankers are my favorites. I like not having to  
worry about batteries. If they are tuned right, they usually don't take much  
I have noticed my F-12 is a little harder to start since I put a belt  pulley 
on it.
I'll have to make a clutch pedal lockout for it so the pulley doesn't turn.  
I got the blueprints for it when I visited the archives.

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