[Steam-engine] GA Altman Taylor

Andrew tech at andrew2.netpluscom.com
Thu Nov 30 14:51:39 PST 2006

Steve could you by any chance get some pics of the inside of the firebox?

>From Andrew at
tech at andrew2.netpluscom.com
engineering at andrew2.netpluscom.com
b10730 at hotmail.com

On Thu, 30 Nov 2006, steve hall wrote:

> Our club member who bought this Engine was told in writing that it had: New
> pinion gears, new flues, and a new fire box. It does have new piniom gears
> and flues. It does not have a new fire box, just a patched up mess. He asked
> us to come over and check it out. I was planning on looking it over and then
> doing a hydro test to it. One peek inside the fire box and I told him there
> was no way we were going to steam it up. I showed him the bad buckles in the
> crown sheet and he understood that it would be a very bad idea to steam it
> up. He thought he was safe in buying it since it was claimed that it had a
> new fire box in it. He did not get it cheap. He paid $14,500.00 for it.
> After seeing the condition of the fire box he (and I) have grave doubts
> about the rest of the boiler. The plate welded on the topside of the water
> bottom ash pit appear to be welded right over top of the original bottom.
> The owner is sick over the whole mess and is not going to fix the boiler. He
> is heading in the direction of getting his money back. It also cost him
> quite a bit to get it transported down here. Don't worry he is not going to
> fire it up. He knows what could happen. The person he bought it from just
> told him yesterday afternoon that he welded all the plates in the fire box
> himself. He also stated he is not certied for this kind of work. Steve
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