[Steam-engine] Show Insurance

Andy glines pioneersop96 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 9 05:42:16 PST 2006

--- Terry Welch <terry1955 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> I handle the insurance for our club. It is the
> biggest expense we have. I have found what I
> consider a reasonable policy for a couple of other
> groups I belong to. But there are conditions to it.
> #1 is the club can not own real property. What they
> are talking about there is land or buildings. #2 the
> group has to be non profit. There are other
> conditions but are minor. The insurance is through
> Hagerty. It is called Non-Profit Club Insurance. You
> can go to their web site and it will tell you some
> about it. The two clubs I helped get it this last
> year pay a premium of about $250 per year. Go to
> their web site and give them a call and they will
> mail or e-mail you the forms for a quote. It does
> not cost anything other than time. They do cover
> steam. The antique steam boiler assc here in Wisc
> has them for its insurance. You can add the property
> owners on the policy for events as the boiler assc
> sponsors a steam school up here and they have named
> added the place holding the school on
>   their policy. 
I am the Chairman of my local club so I have been
dealing with this for a few years now.  It looks like
my club is similar to what Terry describes above.  We
do not own any land.  We have our club functions at
the Vanderburgh Co. 4-H Center which is a non-profit
facility.  When we use the Center for our show we are
required to have $1,000,000 insurance and name the
Center as an additional insured.  When our former
carrier didn't renew our policy I had to go looking
for a new underwriter.  The first thing that I found
out is that it was MUCH!!!!!! cheaper to insure all of
the club's functions for a year than it is was to buy
event insurance for the weekend.  Of course,
year-round coverage has several other obvious
advantages.  I think that out premium will be around
$350 as opposed to $3,000 plus for an event policy.  I
have been very forthcoming with my agent concerning
what we do and how we do it at the show.  He knows
that there are old engines and tractors running,
sawmill, steam.......  We dont' want there to be any
"gotchas" with the insurance if an accident does
happen.  Make sure that you shop around.  The price
for insurance varies widely from carrier to carrier.  

Andy Glines
Evansville, IN

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