[AT] Shale or gravel?

Steve W. falcon at telenet.net
Sun Jun 11 18:08:55 PDT 2006

Shale can be REAL nasty on animal hooves and it doesn't settler real
well on it's own. Bank run depends a LOT on the bank. If it is nice
clean stuff with low dirt content and lot's of fines it will pack real
nice and will drain ok IF you add some coarser stone to it. Maybe have
him drop shale and build up the base then dump some bank run on top as
the finish layer. Wouldn't hurt to toss a loop of perf pipe under it all
to promote drainage.

Steve Williams
Near Cooperstown, New York

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "carl gogol" <cgogol at twcny.rr.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group"
<at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 6:04 PM
Subject: [AT] Shale or gravel?

> I am in the process of leveling an area for an eventual animal shelter
> barn) and am wondering about the suitability of shale as the base for
> barn and section of the barnyard nearest the barn.  Does well
> shale drain as well as gravel or "run-of-crusher", or is it more or
> impervious to water when packed?
> "Run of bank" gravel would cost about $5.50/cubic yard delivered.  The
> would be loaded free and deliverery is about half the distance,
costing me
> about $1 a cubic yard delivered.  The contractor that just excavated
> pond would be the supplier in either case.  He has a gravel bed about
> miles down the road and will soon be excavating for a detention pond
> will require moving the removed material (much of it shale) off site.
> he also has the road contract, he will be hauling gravel past our
place and
> returning empty.  This way he can return with a load of shale and dump
> here on the way back to the gravel.
> Is shale a good choice, or should I just use the gravel the way I had
> planned.  Your thoughts would be appreciated.  For example, would
shale be
> likely to cut animal's hoofs?  Does it drain, or does water tend to
run off
> instead of pass through?
> Carl Gogol
> Manlius, NY
> AC One Seventy diesel
> (2) AC D-14, AC 914H
> Simplicity 3112 & 7116
> Kubota F-2400
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