[AT] OT something pretty

Indiana Robinson robinson at svs.net
Sat Jul 29 06:58:11 PDT 2006

	Very nice H.L...
	You call it "rose moss" and I call it "moss rose". I see 
that apparently Larry also calls it "moss rose". I have 
seen it both ways probably about equally. Maybe it is one 
of those regional things we discuss now and then like... 
Like... Oh hell! I can't remember any of them now but you 
know what I mean.   <(^¿^)>
	Maybe it should be called "Ross Mose"   <(^¿^)>

	Just for fun I googled it both ways in quotes and it came 
back with 232,000 hits as "moss rose" and only 36,000 hits 
as "rose moss". It is also called "sun plant" and 
"portulaca" and is of the purslane family. "Portulaca 
	I saw absolutely nothing about rust.   <(^¿^)>

	More than anybody wanted to know...   <(^¿^)>


"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be 
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Francis Robinson
Central Indiana, USA
robinson at svs.net

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