[Steam-engine] [update] Locomotive exhumation??

Robert Smith bobsmith5 at verizon.net
Sat Jul 15 12:26:33 PDT 2006

Robert Smith wrote:
> Unearthing buried 1925 train in Church Hill
> I'm sure that many of our railroad members will find this of interest.
> From:  Richmond, VA   27 June, 22006
> I will try to follow this and keep you posted.  Anybody got a few
> million that they want to donate to this project?
> By Ray Daudani, NBC12 News
> It was once called "the train that would never move," but now there
> are plans to unearth a steam locomotive buried in Church Hill for
> more than 80 years.

Richmond TimesDispatch, Dateline  Friday, 14 July 2006

It is reported that the project to exhume C&O Engine 231 from the Church
Hill tunnel, has run into a substantial snag.  When the first camera was
lowered, the tunnel was found to be completely filled with water.  So
the next step must be to unseal the concrete walls plugging the ends of
the tunnel and allow the water to drain before further exploration of
the site can continue.

I should note that we have had a lot of rain around Richmond in the past
several weeks.

Go to  http://www.timesdispatch.com -> site search -> "tunnel" for links
to the current and previous articles plus photos and videos.

    Best wishes,

        Bob Smith

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